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Removing A Video


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#1 oodmag



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Posted 23 April 2015 - 01:31 PM

On our company website, we use tubepress through wordpress to display youtube videos from our channel. Today, there is a youtube/devicesupport video in the mix and I want to know how to remove it. It's not in our youtube channel, but is there a way - through tubepress or wordpress - to remove or change the order of videos. Also, there is a big box video on the top. I would like to know how I can switch up the video from time to time.


See the top middle video in the image attached for my initial problem.

Attached Files

#2 eric


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Posted 23 April 2015 - 07:16 PM

This is due to YouTube shutting down their old API. You will need to upgrade your TubePress install. As of this writing the latest release is version 4.1.5.