I am having the issue described in this fix:
Unfortunately my site uses a responsive javascript that has a few different scripts within it (including FitVids 1.0) and I cant seem to make the changes necessary to fix it.
Here is my javascript before any changes:
Many thanks for you help!
/*! * FitVids 1.0 * * Copyright 2011, Chris Coyier - http://css-tricks.com + Dave Rupert - http://daverupert.com * Credit to Thierry Koblentz - http://www.alistapart.com/articles/creating-intrinsic-ratios-for-video/ * Released under the WTFPL license - http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/ * * Date: Thu Sept 01 18:00:00 2011 -0500 */ (function ($) { "use strict"; $.fn.fitVids = function (options) { var settings = { customSelector: null }; var div = document.createElement('div'), ref = document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; div.className = 'fit-vids-style'; div.innerHTML = '­<style> \ .fluid-width-video-wrapper { \ width: 100%; \ position: relative; \ padding: 0; \ } \ \ .fluid-width-video-wrapper iframe, \ .fluid-width-video-wrapper object, \ .fluid-width-video-wrapper embed { \ position: absolute; \ top: 0; \ left: 0; \ width: 100%; \ height: 100%; \ } \ </style>'; ref.parentNode.insertBefore(div, ref); if (options) { $.extend(settings, options); } return this.each(function () { var selectors = [ "iframe[src*='player.vimeo.com']", "iframe[src*='www.youtube.com']", "iframe[src*='www.youtube-nocookie.com']", "iframe[src*='fast.wistia.com']", "embed" ]; if (settings.customSelector) { selectors.push(settings.customSelector); } var $allVideos = $(this).find(selectors.join(',')); $allVideos.each(function () { var $this = $(this); if (this.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'embed' && $this.parent('object').length || $this.parent('.fluid-width-video-wrapper').length) { return; } var height = ( this.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'object' || ($this.attr('height') && !isNaN(parseInt($this.attr('height'), 10))) ) ? parseInt($this.attr('height'), 10) : $this.height(), width = !isNaN(parseInt($this.attr('width'), 10)) ? parseInt($this.attr('width'), 10) : $this.width(), aspectRatio = height / width; if (!$this.attr('id')) { var videoID = 'fitvid' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999); $this.attr('id', videoID); } $this.wrap('<div class="fluid-width-video-wrapper"></div>').parent('.fluid-width-video-wrapper').css('padding-top', (aspectRatio * 100) + "%"); $this.removeAttr('height').removeAttr('width'); }); }); }; })(jQuery); // FitVids jQuery(function($) { // Target your #container, #wrapper etc. $("#wrapper").fitVids({ ignore: '.ls-container'}); }); /*! * Mobile Menu * * GPL V2 License (c) CyberChimps */ (function ($) { var obj = { onClick: function () { $("#main-navigation").toggleClass("menu-open"); } }; $("nav#main-navigation").on("click", obj.onClick); })(jQuery); /*! http://mths.be/placeholder v2.0.7 by @mathias */ ;(function(window, document, $) { var isInputSupported = 'placeholder' in document.createElement('input'); var isTextareaSupported = 'placeholder' in document.createElement('textarea'); var prototype = $.fn; var valHooks = $.valHooks; var propHooks = $.propHooks; var hooks; var placeholder; if (isInputSupported && isTextareaSupported) { placeholder = prototype.placeholder = function() { return this; }; placeholder.input = placeholder.textarea = true; } else { placeholder = prototype.placeholder = function() { var $this = this; $this .filter((isInputSupported ? 'textarea' : ':input') + '[placeholder]') .not('.placeholder') .bind({ 'focus.placeholder': clearPlaceholder, 'blur.placeholder': setPlaceholder }) .data('placeholder-enabled', true) .trigger('blur.placeholder'); return $this; }; placeholder.input = isInputSupported; placeholder.textarea = isTextareaSupported; hooks = { 'get': function(element) { var $element = $(element); var $passwordInput = $element.data('placeholder-password'); if ($passwordInput) { return $passwordInput[0].value; } return $element.data('placeholder-enabled') && $element.hasClass('placeholder') ? '' : element.value; }, 'set': function(element, value) { var $element = $(element); var $passwordInput = $element.data('placeholder-password'); if ($passwordInput) { return $passwordInput[0].value = value; } if (!$element.data('placeholder-enabled')) { return element.value = value; } if (value == '') { element.value = value; // Issue #56: Setting the placeholder causes problems if the element continues to have focus. if (element != safeActiveElement()) { // We can't use `triggerHandler` here because of dummy text/password inputs :( setPlaceholder.call(element); } } else if ($element.hasClass('placeholder')) { clearPlaceholder.call(element, true, value) || (element.value = value); } else { element.value = value; } // `set` can not return `undefined`; see http://jsapi.info/jquery/1.7.1/val#L2363 return $element; } }; if (!isInputSupported) { valHooks.input = hooks; propHooks.value = hooks; } if (!isTextareaSupported) { valHooks.textarea = hooks; propHooks.value = hooks; } $(function() { // Look for forms $(document).delegate('form', 'submit.placeholder', function() { // Clear the placeholder values so they don't get submitted var $inputs = $('.placeholder', this).each(clearPlaceholder); setTimeout(function() { $inputs.each(setPlaceholder); }, 10); }); }); // Clear placeholder values upon page reload $(window).bind('beforeunload.placeholder', function() { $('.placeholder').each(function() { this.value = ''; }); }); } function args(elem) { // Return an object of element attributes var newAttrs = {}; var rinlinejQuery = /^jQuery\d+$/; $.each(elem.attributes, function(i, attr) { if (attr.specified && !rinlinejQuery.test(attr.name)) { newAttrs[attr.name] = attr.value; } }); return newAttrs; } function clearPlaceholder(event, value) { var input = this; var $input = $(input); if (input.value == $input.attr('placeholder') && $input.hasClass('placeholder')) { if ($input.data('placeholder-password')) { $input = $input.hide().next().show().attr('id', $input.removeAttr('id').data('placeholder-id')); // If `clearPlaceholder` was called from `$.valHooks.input.set` if (event === true) { return $input[0].value = value; } $input.focus(); } else { input.value = ''; $input.removeClass('placeholder'); input == safeActiveElement() && input.select(); } } } function setPlaceholder() { var $replacement; var input = this; var $input = $(input); var id = this.id; if (input.value == '') { if (input.type == 'password') { if (!$input.data('placeholder-textinput')) { try { $replacement = $input.clone().attr({ 'type': 'text' }); } catch(e) { $replacement = $('<input>').attr($.extend(args(this), { 'type': 'text' })); } $replacement .removeAttr('name') .data({ 'placeholder-password': $input, 'placeholder-id': id }) .bind('focus.placeholder', clearPlaceholder); $input .data({ 'placeholder-textinput': $replacement, 'placeholder-id': id }) .before($replacement); } $input = $input.removeAttr('id').hide().prev().attr('id', id).show(); // Note: `$input[0] != input` now! } $input.addClass('placeholder'); $input[0].value = $input.attr('placeholder'); } else { $input.removeClass('placeholder'); } } function safeActiveElement() { // Avoid IE9 `document.activeElement` of death // https://github.com/mathiasbynens/jquery-placeholder/pull/99 try { return document.activeElement; } catch (err) {} } }(this, document, jQuery)); /*! * response.js 0.9.0+201404091831 * https://github.com/ryanve/response.js * MIT License (c) 2014 Ryan Van Etten */ (function(root, name, make) { var $ = root['jQuery'] || root['Zepto'] || root['ender'] || root['elo']; if (typeof module != 'undefined' && module['exports']) module['exports'] = make($); else root[name] = make($); }(this, 'Response', function($) { if (typeof $ != 'function') { try { return void console.warn('response.js aborted due to missing dependency'); } catch (e) {} } var Response , Elemset , root = this , name = 'Response' , old = root[name] , initContentKey = 'init' + name , win = window , doc = document , docElem = doc.documentElement , ready = $.domReady || $ , $win = $(win) , DMS = typeof DOMStringMap != 'undefined' , AP = Array.prototype , OP = Object.prototype , push = AP.push , concat = AP.concat , toString = OP.toString , owns = OP.hasOwnProperty , isArray = Array.isArray || function(item) { return '[object Array]' === toString.call(item); } , defaultPoints = { width: [0, 320, 481, 641, 961, 1025, 1281] , height: [0, 481] , ratio: [1, 1.5, 2] // device-pixel-ratio } , propTests = {} , isCustom = {} , sets = { all: [] } , suid = 1 , screenW = screen.width , screenH = screen.height , screenMax = screenW > screenH ? screenW : screenH , screenMin = screenW + screenH - screenMax , deviceW = function() { return screenW; } , deviceH = function() { return screenH; } , regexFunkyPunc = /[^a-z0-9_\-\.]/gi , regexTrimPunc = /^[\W\s]+|[\W\s]+$|/g , regexCamels = /([a-z])([A-Z])/g , regexDashB4 = /-(.)/g , regexDataPrefix = /^data-(.+)$/ , procreate = Object.create || function(parent) { /** @constructor */ function Type() {} Type.prototype = parent; return new Type; } , namespaceIt = function(eventName, customNamespace) { customNamespace = customNamespace || name; return eventName.replace(regexTrimPunc, '') + '.' + customNamespace.replace(regexTrimPunc, ''); } , event = { allLoaded: namespaceIt('allLoaded') // fires on lazy elemsets when all elems in a set have been loaded once //, update: namespaceIt('update') // fires on each elem in a set each time that elem is updated , crossover: namespaceIt('crossover') // fires on window each time dynamic breakpoint bands is crossed } // normalized matchMedia , matchMedia = win.matchMedia || win.msMatchMedia , media = matchMedia ? bind(matchMedia, win) : function() { return {}; } , mq = matchMedia ? function(q) { return !!matchMedia.call(win, q); } : function() { return false; } // http://ryanve.com/lab/dimensions // http://github.com/ryanve/verge/issues/13 , viewportW = function() { var a = docElem.clientWidth, b = win.innerWidth; return a < b ? b : a; } , viewportH = function() { var a = docElem.clientHeight, b = win.innerHeight; return a < b ? b : a; } , band = bind(between, viewportW) , wave = bind(between, viewportH) , device = { 'band': bind(between, deviceW) , 'wave': bind(between, deviceH) }; function isNumber(item) { return item === +item; } /** * @param {Function} fn * @param {*=} scope * @return {Function} */ function bind(fn, scope) { return function() { return fn.apply(scope, arguments); }; } /** * @this {Function} * @param {number} min * @param {number=} max * @return {boolean} */ function between(min, max) { var point = this.call(); return point >= (min || 0) && (!max || point <= max); } /** * @param {{length:number}} stack * @param {Function} fn * @param {*=} scope * @return {Array} */ function map(stack, fn, scope) { for (var r = [], l = stack.length, i = 0; i < l;) r[i] = fn.call(scope, stack[i], i++, stack); return r; } /** * @param {string|{length:number}} list * @return {Array} new and compact */ function compact(list) { return !list ? [] : sift(typeof list == 'string' ? list.split(' ') : list); } /** * @since 0.4.0, supports scope and sparse-item iteration since 0.6.2 * @param {{length:number}} stack * @param {Function} fn * @param {*=} scope */ function each(stack, fn, scope) { if (null == stack) return stack; for (var l = stack.length, i = 0; i < l;) fn.call(scope || stack[i], stack[i], i++, stack); return stack; } /** * @since 0.4.0 skips null|undefined since 0.6.2, adds `0` since 0.7.11 * @param {{length:number}} stack * @param {(string|number)=} prefix * @param {(string|number)=} suffix * @return {Array} new array of affixed strings or added numbers */ function affix(stack, prefix, suffix) { if (null == prefix) prefix = ''; if (null == suffix) suffix = ''; for (var r = [], l = stack.length, i = 0; i < l; i++) null == stack[i] || r.push(prefix + stack[i] + suffix); return r; } /** * @param {{length:number}} stack to iterate * @param {(Function|string|*)=} fn callback or typestring * @param {(Object|boolean|*)=} scope or inversion boolean * @since 0.4.0, supports scope and typestrings since 0.6.2 * @example Response.sift([5, 0, 'str'], isFinite) // [5, 0] * @example Response.sift([5, 0, 'str']) // [5, 'str'] */ function sift(stack, fn, scope) { var fail, l, v, r = [], u = 0, i = 0, run = typeof fn == 'function', not = true === scope; for (l = stack && stack.length, scope = not ? null : scope; i < l; i++) { v = stack[i]; fail = run ? !fn.call(scope, v, i, stack) : fn ? typeof v !== fn : !v; fail === not && (r[u++] = v); } return r; } /** * @since 0.3.0 * @param {Object|Array|Function|*} r receiver * @param {Object|Array|Function|*} s supplier Undefined values are ignored. * @return {Object|Array|Function|*} receiver */ function merge(r, s) { if (null == r || null == s) return r; if (typeof s == 'object' && isNumber(s.length)) push.apply(r, sift(s, 'undefined', true)); else for (var k in s) owns.call(s, k) && void 0 !== s[k] && (r[k] = s[k]); return r; } /** * @description Call `fn` on each stack value or directly on a non-stack item * @since 0.3.0 scope support added in 0.6.2 * @param {*} item stack or non-stack item * @param {Function} fn callback * @param {*=} scope defaults to current item */ function route(item, fn, scope) { if (null == item) return item; if (typeof item == 'object' && !item.nodeType && isNumber(item.length)) each(item, fn, scope); else fn.call(scope || item, item); return item; } /** * Response.dpr(decimal) Tests if a minimum device pixel ratio is active. * Or (version added in 0.3.0) returns the device-pixel-ratio * @param {number} decimal is the integer or float to test. * @return {boolean|number} * @example Response.dpr() // get the device-pixel-ratio (or 0 if undetectable) * @example Response.dpr(1.5) // true when device-pixel-ratio is 1.5+ * @example Response.dpr(2) // true when device-pixel-ratio is 2+ */ function dpr(decimal) { // Consider: github.com/ryanve/res var dPR = win.devicePixelRatio; if (null == decimal) return dPR || (dpr(2) ? 2 : dpr(1.5) ? 1.5 : dpr(1) ? 1 : 0); // approx if (!isFinite(decimal)) return false; // Use window.devicePixelRatio if supported - supported by Webkit // (Safari/Chrome/Android) and Presto 2.8+ (Opera) browsers. if (dPR && dPR > 0) return dPR >= decimal; // Fallback to .matchMedia/.msMatchMedia. Supported by Gecko (FF6+) and more: // @link developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/window.matchMedia // -webkit-min- and -o-min- omitted (Webkit/Opera supported above) // The generic min-device-pixel-ratio is expected to be added to the W3 spec. // Return false if neither method is available. decimal = 'only all and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio:' + decimal + ')'; if (mq(decimal)) return true; return mq(decimal.replace('-moz-', '')); } /** * Response.camelize * @example Response.camelize('data-casa-blanca') // casaBlanca */ function camelize(s) { // Remove data- prefix and convert remaining dashed string to camelCase: return s.replace(regexDataPrefix, '$1').replace(regexDashB4, function(m, m1) { return m1.toUpperCase(); }); } /** * Response.datatize * Converts pulpFiction (or data-pulpFiction) to data-pulp-fiction * @example Response.datatize('casaBlanca') // data-casa-blanca */ function datatize(s) { // Make sure there's no data- already in s for it to work right in IE8. return 'data-' + (s ? s.replace(regexDataPrefix, '$1').replace(regexCamels, '$1-$2').toLowerCase() : s); } /** * Convert stringified primitives back to JavaScript. * @param {string|*} s String to parse into a JavaScript value. * @return {*} */ function parse(s) { var n; // undefined, or becomes number return typeof s != 'string' || !s ? s : 'false' === s ? false : 'true' === s ? true : 'null' === s ? null : 'undefined' === s || (n = (+s)) || 0 === n || 'NaN' === s ? n : s; } /** * @param {Element|{length:number}} e * @return {Element|*} */ function first(e) { return !e || e.nodeType ? e : e[0]; } /** * internal-use function to iterate a node's attributes * @param {Element} el * @param {Function} fn * @param {(boolean|*)=} exp */ function eachAttr(el, fn, exp) { var test, n, a, i, l; if (!el.attributes) return; test = typeof exp == 'boolean' ? /^data-/ : test; for (i = 0, l = el.attributes.length; i < l;) { if (a = el.attributes[i++]) { n = '' + a.name; test && test.test(n) !== exp || null == a.value || fn.call(el, a.value, n, a); } } } /** * Get object containing an element's data attrs. * @param {Element} el * @return {DOMStringMap|Object|undefined} */ function getDataset(el) { var ob; if (!el || 1 !== el.nodeType) return; // undefined if (ob = DMS && el.dataset) return ob; // native ob = {}; // Fallback plain object cannot mutate the dataset via reference. eachAttr(el, function(v, k) { ob[camelize(k)] = '' + v; }, true); return ob; } /** * @param {Element} el * @param {Object} ob * @param {Function} fn */ function setViaObject(el, ob, fn) { for (var n in ob) owns.call(ob, n) && fn(el, n, ob[n]); } /** * @param {Object|Array|Function} el * @param {(string|Object|*)=} k * @param {*=} v */ function dataset(el, k, v) { el = first(el); if (!el || !el.setAttribute) return; if (void 0 === k && v === k) return getDataset(el); var exact = isArray(k) && datatize(k[0]); if (typeof k == 'object' && !exact) { k && setViaObject(el, k, dataset); } else { k = exact || datatize(k); if (!k) return; if (void 0 === v) { k = el.getAttribute(k); // repurpose return null == k ? v : exact ? parse(k) : '' + k; // normalize } el.setAttribute(k, v = '' + v); return v; // current value } } /** * Response.deletes(elem, keys) Delete HTML5 data attributes (remove them from them DOM) * @since 0.3.0 * @param {Element|{length:number}} elem is a DOM element or stack of them * @param {string|Array} ssv data attribute key(s) in camelCase or lowercase to delete */ function deletes(elem, ssv) { ssv = compact(ssv); route(elem, function(el) { each(ssv, function(k) { el.removeAttribute(datatize(k)); }); }); } function sel(keys) { // Convert an array of data keys into a selector string // Converts ["a","b","c"] into "[data-a],[data-b],[data-c]" // Double-slash escapes periods so that attrs like data-density-1.5 will work // @link api.jquery.com/category/selectors/ // @link github.com/jquery/sizzle/issues/76 for (var k, r = [], i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l;) (k = keys[i++]) && r.push('[' + datatize(k.replace(regexTrimPunc, '').replace('.', '\\.')) + ']'); return r.join(); } /** * Response.target() Get the corresponding data attributes for an array of data keys. * @since 0.1.9 * @param {Array} keys is the array of data keys whose attributes you want to select. * @return {Object} jQuery stack * @example Response.target(['a', 'b', 'c']) // $('[data-a],[data-b],[data-c]') * @example Response.target('a b c']) // $('[data-a],[data-b],[data-c]') */ function target(keys) { return $(sel(compact(keys))); } /** * @since 0.3.0 * @return {number} like jQuery(window).scrollLeft() */ function scrollX() { return window.pageXOffset || docElem.scrollLeft; } /** * @since 0.3.0 * @return {number} like $(window).scrollTop() */ function scrollY() { return window.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop; } /** * area methods inX/inY/inViewport * @since 0.3.0 */ function rectangle(el, verge) { // Local handler for area methods: // adapted from github.com/ryanve/dime // The native object is read-only so we // have use a copy in order to modify it. var r = el.getBoundingClientRect ? el.getBoundingClientRect() : {}; verge = typeof verge == 'number' ? verge || 0 : 0; return { top: (r.top || 0) - verge , left: (r.left || 0) - verge , bottom: (r.bottom || 0) + verge , right: (r.right || 0) + verge }; } // The verge is the amount of pixels to act as a cushion around the viewport. It can be any // integer. If verge is zero, then the inX/inY/inViewport methods are exact. If verge is set to 100, // then those methods return true when for elements that are are in the viewport *or* near it, // with *near* being defined as within 100 pixels outside the viewport edge. Elements immediately // outside the viewport are 'on the verge' of being scrolled to. function inX(elem, verge) { var r = rectangle(first(elem), verge); return !!r && r.right >= 0 && r.left <= viewportW(); } function inY(elem, verge) { var r = rectangle(first(elem), verge); return !!r && r.bottom >= 0 && r.top <= viewportH(); } function inViewport(elem, verge) { // equiv to: inX(elem, verge) && inY(elem, verge) // But just manually do both to avoid calling rectangle() and first() twice. // It actually gzips smaller this way too: var r = rectangle(first(elem), verge); return !!r && r.bottom >= 0 && r.top <= viewportH() && r.right >= 0 && r.left <= viewportW(); } /** * @description Detect whether elem should act in src or markup mode. * @param {Element} elem * @return {number} */ function detectMode(elem) { // Normalize to lowercase to ensure compatibility across HTML/XHTML/XML. // These are the elems that can use src attr per the W3 spec: //dev.w3.org/html5/spec-author-view/index.html#attributes-1 //stackoverflow.com/q/8715689/770127 //stackoverflow.com/a/4878963/770127 var srcElems = { img:1, input:1, source:3, embed:3, track:3, iframe:5, audio:5, video:5, script:5 } , modeID = srcElems[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ] || -1; // -5 => markup mode for video/audio/iframe w/o src attr. // -1 => markup mode for any elem not in the array above. // 1 => src mode for img/input (empty content model). Images. // 3 => src mode for source/embed/track (empty content model). Media *or* time data. // 5 => src mode for audio/video/iframe/script *with* src attr. // If we at some point we need to differentiate <track> we'll use 4, but for now // it's grouped with the other non-image empty content elems that use src. // hasAttribute is not supported in IE7 so check elem.getAttribute('src') return 4 > modeID ? modeID : null != elem.getAttribute('src') ? 5 : -5; } /** * Response.store() * Store a data value on each elem targeted by a jQuery selector. We use this for storing an * elem's orig (no-js) state. This gives us the ability to return the elem to its orig state. * The data it stores is either the src attr or the innerHTML based on result of detectMode(). * @since 0.1.9 * @param {Object} $elems DOM element | jQuery object | nodeList | array of elements * @param {string} key is the key to use to store the orig value w/ @link api.jquery.com/data/ * @param {string=} source (@since 0.6.2) an optional attribute name to read data from */ function store($elems, key, source) { var valToStore; if (!$elems || null == key) throw new TypeError('@store'); source = typeof source == 'string' && source; route($elems, function(el) { if (source) valToStore = el.getAttribute(source); else if (0 < detectMode(el)) valToStore = el.getAttribute('src'); else valToStore = el.innerHTML; null == valToStore ? deletes(el, key) : dataset(el, key, valToStore); }); return Response; } /** * Response.access() Access data-* values for element from an array of data-* keys. * @since 0.1.9 added support for space-separated strings in 0.3.1 * @param {Object} elem is a native or jQuery element whose values to access. * @param {Array|string} keys is an array or SSV string of data keys * @return {Array} dataset values corresponding to each key. Since 0.4.0 if * the params are wrong then the return is an empty array. */ function access(elem, keys) { var ret = []; elem && keys && each(compact(keys), function(k) { ret.push(dataset(elem, k)); }, elem); return ret; } function addTest(prop, fn) { if (typeof prop == 'string' && typeof fn == 'function') { propTests[prop] = fn; isCustom[prop] = 1; } return Response; } // Prototype object for element sets used in Response.create // Each element in the set inherits this as well, so some of the // methods apply to the set, while others apply to single elements. Elemset = (function() { var crossover = event.crossover //, update = event.update , min = Math.min; // Techically data attributes names can contain uppercase in HTML, but, The DOM lowercases // attributes, so they must be lowercase regardless when we target them in jQuery. Force them // lowercase here to prevent issues. Removing all punc marks except for dashes, underscores, // and periods so that we don't have to worry about escaping anything crazy. // Rules @link dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#custom-data-attribute // jQuery selectors @link api.jquery.com/category/selectors/ function sanitize(key) { // Allow lowercase alphanumerics, dashes, underscores, and periods: return typeof key == 'string' ? key.toLowerCase().replace(regexFunkyPunc, '') : ''; } function ascending(a, b) { return a - b; } return { $e: 0 // jQuery instance , mode: 0 // integer defined per element , breakpoints: null // array, validated @ configure() , prefix: null // string, validated @ configure() , prop: 'width' // string, validated @ configure() , keys: [] // array, defined @ configure() , dynamic: null // boolean, defined @ configure() , custom: 0 // boolean, see addTest() , values: [] // array, available values , fn: 0 // callback, the test fn, defined @ configure() , verge: null // integer uses default based on device size , newValue: 0 , currValue: 1 , aka: null , lazy: null , i: 0 // integer, the index of the current highest active breakpoint min , uid: null , reset: function() { var subjects = this.breakpoints, i = subjects.length, tempIndex = 0; while (!tempIndex && i--) this.fn(subjects[i]) && (tempIndex = i); if (tempIndex !== this.i) { // Crossover occurred. Fire the crossover events: $win.trigger(crossover).trigger(this.prop + crossover); this.i = tempIndex || 0; } return this; } , configure: function(options) { merge(this, options); var i, points, prefix, aliases, aliasKeys, isNumeric = true, prop = this.prop; this.uid = suid++; if (null == this.verge) this.verge = min(screenMax, 500); if (!(this.fn = propTests[prop])) throw new TypeError('@create'); // If we get to here then we know the prop is one one our supported props: // 'width', 'height', 'device-width', 'device-height', 'device-pixel-ratio' if (null == this.dynamic) this.dynamic = 'device' !== prop.slice(0, 6); this.custom = isCustom[prop]; prefix = this.prefix ? sift(map(compact(this.prefix), sanitize)) : ['min-' + prop + '-']; aliases = 1 < prefix.length ? prefix.slice(1) : 0; this.prefix = prefix[0]; points = this.breakpoints; // Sort and validate (#valid8) custom breakpoints if supplied. // Must be done before keys are created so that the keys match: if (isArray(points)) { each(points, function(v) { if (!v && v !== 0) throw 'invalid breakpoint'; isNumeric = isNumeric && isFinite(v); }); isNumeric && points.sort(ascending); if (!points.length) throw new TypeError('.breakpoints'); } else { // The default breakpoints are presorted. points = defaultPoints[prop] || defaultPoints[prop.split('-').pop()]; if (!points) throw new TypeError('.prop'); } this.breakpoints = points; this.keys = affix(this.breakpoints, this.prefix); // Create array of data keys. this.aka = null; // Reset just in case a value was merged in. if (aliases) { aliasKeys = []; i = aliases.length; while (i--) aliasKeys.push(affix(this.breakpoints, aliases[i])); this.aka = aliasKeys; // this.aka is an array of arrays (one for each alias) this.keys = concat.apply(this.keys, aliasKeys); // flatten aliases into this.keys } sets.all = sets.all.concat(sets[this.uid] = this.keys); // combined keys ===> sets.all return this; } , target: function() { this.$e = $(sel(sets[this.uid])); // Cache selection. DOM must be ready. store(this.$e, initContentKey); // Store original (no-js) value to data key. this.keys.push(initContentKey); // #keys now equals #breakpoints+1 return this; } // The rest of the methods are designed for use with single elements. // They are for use in a cloned instances within a loop. , decideValue: function() { // Return the first value from the values array that passes the boolean // test callback. If none pass the test, then return the fallback value. // this.breakpoints.length === this.values.length + 1 // The extra member in the values array is the initContentKey value. var val = null, subjects = this.breakpoints, sL = subjects.length, i = sL; while (val == null && i--) this.fn(subjects[i]) && (val = this.values[i]); this.newValue = typeof val == 'string' ? val : this.values[sL]; return this; // chainable } , prepareData: function(elem) { this.$e = $(elem); this.mode = detectMode(elem); this.values = access(this.$e, this.keys); if (this.aka) { // If there are alias keys then there may be alias values. Merge the values from // all the aliases into the values array. The merge method only merges in truthy values // and prevents falsey values from overwriting truthy ones. (See Response.merge) // Each of the this.aka arrays has the same length as the this.values // array, so no new indexes will be added, just filled if there's truthy values. var i = this.aka.length; while (i--) this.values = merge(this.values, access(this.$e, this.aka[i])); } return this.decideValue(); } , updateDOM: function() { // Apply the method that performs the actual swap. When updateDOM called this.$e and this.e refer // to single elements. Only update the DOM when the new value is different than the current value. if (this.currValue === this.newValue) { return this; } this.currValue = this.newValue; if (0 < this.mode) { this.$e[0].setAttribute('src', this.newValue); } else if (null == this.newValue) { this.$e.empty && this.$e.empty(); } else { if (this.$e.html) { this.$e.html(this.newValue); } else { this.$e.empty && this.$e.empty(); this.$e[0].innerHTML = this.newValue; } } // this.$e.trigger(update); // may add this event in future return this; } }; }()); // The keys are the prop and the values are the method that tests that prop. // The props with dashes in them are added via array notation below. // Props marked as dynamic change when the viewport is resized: propTests['width'] = band; // dynamic propTests['height'] = wave; // dynamic propTests['device-width'] = device.band; propTests['device-height'] = device.wave; propTests['device-pixel-ratio'] = dpr; function resize(fn) { $win.on('resize', fn); return Response; // chain } function crossover(prop, fn) { var temp, eventToFire, eventCrossover = event.crossover; if (typeof prop == 'function') {// support args in reverse temp = fn; fn = prop; prop = temp; } eventToFire = prop ? ('' + prop + eventCrossover) : eventCrossover; $win.on(eventToFire, fn); return Response; // chain } /** * Response.action A facade for calling functions on both the ready and resize events. * @link http://responsejs.com/#action * @since 0.1.3 * @param {Function|Array} action is the callback name or array of callback names to call. * @example Response.action(myFunc1) // call myFunc1() on ready/resize * @example Response.action([myFunc1, myFunc2]) // call myFunc1(), myFunc2() ... */ function action(fnOrArr) { route(fnOrArr, function(fn) { ready(fn); resize(fn); }); return Response; } /** * Create their own Response attribute sets, with custom breakpoints and data-* names. * @since 0.1.9 * @param {Object|Array} args is an options object or an array of options objects. * @link http://responsejs.com/#create * @example Response.create(object) // single * @example Response.create([object1, object2]) // bulk */ function create(args) { route(args, function(options) { if (typeof options != 'object') throw new TypeError('@create'); var elemset = procreate(Elemset).configure(options) , lowestNonZeroBP , verge = elemset.verge , breakpoints = elemset.breakpoints , scrollName = namespaceIt('scroll') , resizeName = namespaceIt('resize'); if (!breakpoints.length) return; // Identify the lowest nonzero breakpoint. (They're already sorted low to high by now.) lowestNonZeroBP = breakpoints[0] || breakpoints[1] || false; ready(function() { var allLoaded = event.allLoaded, lazy = !!elemset.lazy; function resizeHandler() { elemset.reset(); each(elemset.$e, function(el, i) { elemset[i].decideValue().updateDOM(); }).trigger(allLoaded); } function scrollHandler() { each(elemset.$e, function(el, i) { inViewport(elemset[i].$e, verge) && elemset[i].updateDOM(); }); } // Target elements containing this set's Response data attributes and chain into the // loop that occurs on ready. The selector is cached to elemset.$e for later use. each(elemset.target().$e, function(el, i) { elemset[i] = procreate(elemset).prepareData(el);// Inherit from elemset if (!lazy || inViewport(elemset[i].$e, verge)) { // If not lazy update all the elems in the set. If // lazy, only update elems in the current viewport. elemset[i].updateDOM(); } }); // device-* props are static and only need to be tested once. The others are // dynamic, meaning they need to be tested on resize. Also if a device so small // that it doesn't support the lowestNonZeroBP then we don't need to listen for // resize events b/c we know the device can't resize beyond that breakpoint. if (elemset.dynamic && (elemset.custom || lowestNonZeroBP < screenMax)) { resize(resizeHandler, resizeName); } // We don't have to re-decide the content on scrolls because neither the viewport or device // properties change from a scroll. This setup minimizes the operations binded to the scroll // event. Once everything in the set has been swapped once, the scroll handler is deactivated // through the use of a custom event. if (!lazy) return; $win.on(scrollName, scrollHandler); elemset.$e.one(allLoaded, function() { $win.off(scrollName, scrollHandler); }); }); }); return Response; } function noConflict(callback) { if (root[name] === Response) root[name] = old; if (typeof callback == 'function') callback.call(root, Response); return Response; } // Many methods are @deprecated (see issue #51) Response = { deviceMin: function() { return screenMin; } , deviceMax: function() { return screenMax; } //, sets: function(prop) {// must be uid // return $(sel(sets[prop] || sets.all)); //} , noConflict: noConflict , create: create , addTest: addTest , datatize: datatize , camelize: camelize , render: parse , store: store , access: access , target: target , object: procreate , crossover: crossover , action: action , resize: resize , ready: ready , affix: affix , sift: sift , dpr: dpr , deletes: deletes , scrollX: scrollX , scrollY: scrollY , deviceW: deviceW , deviceH: deviceH , device: device , inX: inX , inY: inY , route: route , merge: merge , media: media , mq: mq , wave: wave , band: band , map: map , each: each , inViewport: inViewport , dataset: dataset , viewportH: viewportH , viewportW: viewportW }; // Initialize ready(function() { var settings = dataset(doc.body, 'responsejs'), parse = win.JSON && JSON.parse || $.parseJSON; settings = settings && parse ? parse(settings) : settings; settings && settings.create && create(settings.create); // Remove .no-responsejs and add .responsejs docElem.className = docElem.className.replace(/(^|\s)(no-)?responsejs(\s|$)/, '$1$3') + ' responsejs '; }); return Response; })); /*! * Move focus in Internet Explorer and Chrome * * GPL V2+ License (C) 2012-2014 Automattic, Inc. */ ( function() { var is_webkit = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'webkit' ) > -1, is_opera = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'opera' ) > -1, is_ie = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'msie' ) > -1; if ( ( is_webkit || is_opera || is_ie ) && 'undefined' !== typeof( document.getElementById ) ) { var eventMethod = ( window.addEventListener ) ? 'addEventListener' : 'attachEvent'; window[ eventMethod ]( 'hashchange', function() { var element = document.getElementById( location.hash.substring( 1 ) ); if ( element ) { if ( ! /^(?:a|select|input|button|textarea)$/i.test( element.tagName ) ) element.tabIndex = -1; element.focus(); } }, false ); } })(); /** * jQuery Scroll Top Plugin 1.0.0 * * GPL V2 License (c) CyberChimps */ jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { $('a[href=#scroll-top]').click(function () { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'slow'); return false; }); });
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item===+item}function bind(fn,scope){return function(){return fn.apply(scope,arguments)}}function between(min,max){var point=this.call();return point>=(min||0)&&(!max||max>=point)}function map(stack,fn,scope){for(var r=[],l=stack.length,i=0;l>i;)r[i]=fn.call(scope,stack[i],i++,stack);return r}function compact(list){return list?sift("string"==typeof list?list.split(" "):list):[]}function each(stack,fn,scope){if(null==stack)return stack;for(var l=stack.length,i=0;l>i;)fn.call(scope||stack[i],stack[i],i++,stack);return stack}function affix(stack,prefix,suffix){null==prefix&&(prefix=""),null==suffix&&(suffix="");for(var r=[],l=stack.length,i=0;l>i;i++)null==stack[i]||r.push(prefix+stack[i]+suffix);return r}function sift(stack,fn,scope){var fail,l,v,r=[],u=0,i=0,run="function"==typeof fn,not=!0===scope;for(l=stack&&stack.length,scope=not?null:scope;l>i;i++)v=stack[i],fail=run?!fn.call(scope,v,i,stack):fn?typeof v!==fn:!v,fail===not&&(r[u++]=v);return r}function merge(r,s){if(null==r||null==s)return r;if("object"==typeof s&&isNumber(s.length))push.apply(r,sift(s,"undefined",!0));else for(var k in s)owns.call(s,k)&&void 0!==s[k]&&(r[k]=s[k]);return r}function route(item,fn,scope){return null==item?item:("object"==typeof item&&!item.nodeType&&isNumber(item.length)?each(item,fn,scope):fn.call(scope||item,item),item)}function dpr(decimal){var dPR=win.devicePixelRatio;return null==decimal?dPR||(dpr(2)?2:dpr(1.5)?1.5:dpr(1)?1:0):isFinite(decimal)?dPR&&dPR>0?dPR>=decimal:(decimal="only all and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio:"+decimal+")",mq(decimal)?!0:mq(decimal.replace("-moz-",""))):!1}function camelize(s){return s.replace(regexDataPrefix,"$1").replace(regexDashB4,function(m,m1){return m1.toUpperCase()})}function datatize(s){return"data-"+(s?s.replace(regexDataPrefix,"$1").replace(regexCamels,"$1-$2").toLowerCase():s)}function parse(s){var n;return"string"==typeof s&&s?"false"===s?!1:"true"===s?!0:"null"===s?null:"undefined"===s||(n=+s)||0===n||"NaN"===s?n:s:s}function first(e){return!e||e.nodeType?e:e[0]}function eachAttr(el,fn,exp){var test,n,a,i,l;if(el.attributes)for(test="boolean"==typeof exp?/^data-/:test,i=0,l=el.attributes.length;l>i;)(a=el.attributes[i++])&&(n=""+a.name,test&&test.test(n)!==exp||null==a.value||fn.call(el,a.value,n,a))}function getDataset(el){var ob;if(el&&1===el.nodeType)return(ob=DMS&&el.dataset)?ob:(ob={},eachAttr(el,function(v,k){ob[camelize(k)]=""+v},!0),ob)}function setViaObject(el,ob,fn){for(var n in ob)owns.call(ob,n)&&fn(el,n,ob[n])}function dataset(el,k,v){if(el=first(el),el&&el.setAttribute){if(void 0===k&&v===k)return getDataset(el);var exact=isArray(k)&&datatize(k[0]);if("object"!=typeof k||exact){if(k=exact||datatize(k),!k)return;return void 0===v?(k=el.getAttribute(k),null==k?v:exact?parse(k):""+k):(el.setAttribute(k,v=""+v),v)}k&&setViaObject(el,k,dataset)}}function deletes(elem,ssv){ssv=compact(ssv),route(elem,function(el){each(ssv,function(k){el.removeAttribute(datatize(k))})})}function sel(keys){for(var k,r=[],i=0,l=keys.length;l>i;)(k=keys[i++])&&r.push("["+datatize(k.replace(regexTrimPunc,"").replace(".","\\."))+"]");return r.join()}function target(keys){return $(sel(compact(keys)))}function scrollX(){return window.pageXOffset||docElem.scrollLeft}function scrollY(){return window.pageYOffset||docElem.scrollTop}function rectangle(el,verge){var r=el.getBoundingClientRect?el.getBoundingClientRect():{};return verge="number"==typeof verge?verge||0:0,{top:(r.top||0)-verge,left:(r.left||0)-verge,bottom:(r.bottom||0)+verge,right:(r.right||0)+verge}}function inX(elem,verge){var r=rectangle(first(elem),verge);return!!r&&r.right>=0&&r.left<=viewportW()}function inY(elem,verge){var r=rectangle(first(elem),verge);return!!r&&r.bottom>=0&&r.top<=viewportH()}function inViewport(elem,verge){var r=rectangle(first(elem),verge);return!!r&&r.bottom>=0&&r.top<=viewportH()&&r.right>=0&&r.left<=viewportW()}function detectMode(elem){var srcElems={img:1,input:1,source:3,embed:3,track:3,iframe:5,audio:5,video:5,script:5},modeID=srcElems[elem.nodeName.toLowerCase()]||-1;return 4>modeID?modeID:null!=elem.getAttribute("src")?5:-5}function store($elems,key,source){var valToStore;if(!$elems||null==key)throw new TypeError("@store");return source="string"==typeof source&&source,route($elems,function(el){valToStore=source?el.getAttribute(source):0<detectMode(el)?el.getAttribute("src"):el.innerHTML,null==valToStore?deletes(el,key):dataset(el,key,valToStore)}),Response}function access(elem,keys){var ret=[];return elem&&keys&&each(compact(keys),function(k){ret.push(dataset(elem,k))},elem),ret}function addTest(prop,fn){return"string"==typeof prop&&"function"==typeof fn&&(propTests[prop]=fn,isCustom[prop]=1),Response}function resize(fn){return $win.on("resize",fn),Response}function crossover(prop,fn){var temp,eventToFire,eventCrossover=event.crossover;return"function"==typeof prop&&(temp=fn,fn=prop,prop=temp),eventToFire=prop?""+prop+eventCrossover:eventCrossover,$win.on(eventToFire,fn),Response}function action(fnOrArr){return route(fnOrArr,function(fn){ready(fn),resize(fn)}),Response}function create(args){return route(args,function(options){if("object"!=typeof options)throw new TypeError("@create");var lowestNonZeroBP,elemset=procreate(Elemset).configure(options),verge=elemset.verge,breakpoints=elemset.breakpoints,scrollName=namespaceIt("scroll"),resizeName=namespaceIt("resize");breakpoints.length&&(lowestNonZeroBP=breakpoints[0]||breakpoints[1]||!1,ready(function(){function resizeHandler(){elemset.reset(),each(elemset.$e,function(el,i){elemset[i].decideValue().updateDOM()}).trigger(allLoaded)}function scrollHandler(){each(elemset.$e,function(el,i){inViewport(elemset[i].$e,verge)&&elemset[i].updateDOM()})}var 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