I cannot seem to get TubePress to recognize the YouTube Black Bars Remover addon!
I have uploaded the unzipped contents of youtube-black-bars-remover_4.0.0.zip into the 'wp-content/tubepress-content/add-ons' folder..
I have rebuilt the system cache using '?tubepress_clear_system_cache=true'
I have disabled and then reactivated the TubePress addon.. just to make sure cache was cleared..
I then enabled debugging using '?tubepress_debug=true' and noticed the following Warning:
[2015-03-12 04:35:14] [WARNING] Default Add-on Discoverer: Caught exception when parsing info file at /home/solidk9training/public_html/dev/wp-content/tubepress-content/add-ons/youtube-black-bars-remover_4.0.0/manifest.json: Must include author name
[2015-03-12 04:35:14] [DEBUG] Default Add-on Discoverer: Found 0 add-on(s) from /home/solidk9training/public_html/dev/wp-content/tubepress-content/add-ons
Why 'Found 0 add-on(s)?
Why is it that the YouTube Black Bars Remover will not work???!!!!
I cannot get it to show the option in the TubePress-->Settings->Thumbnails page!!
Please help!!
WordPress 4.1.1
PHP 5.4.37