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Videos Below Top Video Are Not Playing When Clicked?

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#1 peacepilgrim2



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Posted 17 December 2013 - 05:08 PM

I've chosen videos based on key word in youtube. 


the first video on the list shows on top and will play.  The page links work, that will let you move to the next row of videos.  but if I choose a video that is beow the top video that is currently cued up, then the hyperlinked description, nor the clicking the vide in the small image will cause it to play.  Is this a glitch?  I thought you could click on any video and it should play???


Hmm, that was in Chrome, it was causing the top video to grey out and, but never did the video I clicked open up.


I tired in Firefox and got same behavior, plus the msg Undefined?


How to trouble shoot this.  let me know if you want access info to site.


#2 brandon


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Posted 18 December 2013 - 12:22 AM

Hi PeacePilgrim,


In order to troubleshoot your website, please follow the directions here: http://tubepress.com...hoot:ClientSide


If you are still unable to figure out the reason that your thumbnails are not working, kindly post a link to your site and we'd be more than happy to take a look.



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#3 peacepilgrim2



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Posted 18 December 2013 - 03:17 PM

Yes, I would appreciate if you can have a look.  i tried to uninstall the plugin and even deleted from cpanel, but I was surprised that it retained the key word I had used, so obviously, not everything had been delted.


Anyway, here's the site.  If you want admin access, pls send email that I can reply to.




#4 brandon


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Posted 21 December 2013 - 01:17 AM

Hi Robery,


It looks to be a problem with WP Super Cache. Notice that if you look at the HTML source for the video popup (after you click on a thumbnail from the sidebar), towards the end you'll see


<!-- WP Super Cache is installed but broken. The path to wp-cache-phase1.php in wp-content/advanced-cache.php must be fixed! -->


This "extra" content is confusing TubePress, which is expecting pure JSON.


The solution, I guess obviously, is to either disable or correctly configure WP Super Cache. It looks like FAQ #18 here has the answer.

Give that a whirl and let us know what you find. Thanks!



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