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Just Upgraded - Free Version, 3 Videos Per Page?

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#1 gabs1234



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Posted 27 May 2015 - 07:40 PM

I just upgraded to the latest version.  I am linking to a YouTube user, and I only see 3 thumbnails per page.  Is this normal for the free version?  I remember seeing the free version is "3 videos per gallery" but from what I can tell, all videos are coming up, just on a ton of pages with 3 per page.




(I think I answered my own question - this is normal for the free version and the "pro" would show up to 50 thumbnails? Can someone confirm?)

#2 eric


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Posted 29 May 2015 - 01:11 AM



The free/trial version should show 3 videos per gallery. I'm actually surprised that you're seeing 3 videos per page, along with pagination. I'll see if I can reproduce.


Regardless, yes, with TubePress Pro you can show up to 50 videos per page along with all the other excellent Pro features.


Does that answer your question? Let us know! Also, in the future please feel free to open a ticket with us for faster support.

#3 gabs1234



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Posted 30 May 2015 - 09:44 AM

Yes, it does - they aren't hip on paying for the plugin so hopefully we can find something else that works.  It was fine before the YouTube player change and plugin upgrade, showing 20+ thumbnails per page.