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Can I Use Different Keywords On Different Pages?

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#1 peacepilgrim2



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Posted 02 November 2013 - 07:23 AM

I asked a similar question in the Presale section, but never heard back.


Maybe the answer is that I would have to link multiple sites or sub sites together to do what I want?  But I wanted to hear back from TubePress to see what you suggest.


I'm using the free plugin on one site and really like being able to import videos based on key word or playlist, etc.  The question is: what I want to do is have a different set of videos on different pages within the same blog.


Can you advise on how I could do that?  If the plugin is not built to do that, then I am interested in figuring out a way to work around it, such as sub directories with additional installations of WordPress, so I could install a separate TubePress on each. 


What would you suggest as a way to accomplish what I am trying to do?



#2 brandon


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 03:18 AM

Hello PeacePilgrim,


Different galleries on  different pages are very simple to create using TubePress.


All you need to do is use the [tubepress] shortcode and some of the options to specify the requested videos and other settings.  You can see a whole list of TubePress shortcode options here: http://tubepress.com...nfig:AllOptions



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