No Matching Videos
Posted 18 October 2011 - 09:54 PM
Here is the page: http://sweethomeprod...ess/?page_id=13
I have a vimeo pro account, made an album and a channel and tried using both by copying and pasting the id numbers from the URL. Nothing works, I get an error.
To make it interesting, I used another user's album id and it works fine. I even tried another one and that worked. Going back to my album id however, I get the error.
My test album I've been using is this:
I've been using the last set of numbers for the album input. And I set up my Vimeo API correctly.
Is this something on the Vimeo end? I'm not sure who to contact about this.
Posted 18 October 2011 - 10:06 PM
Posted 19 October 2011 - 10:10 PM
I am also receiving the 'No Matching Videos' error, but I do not know why.
The error in your debug output is "The album id was either not valid or not provided". You're definitely providing an album ID, but for some reason Vimeo isn't happy with it.
is this same disableHttpTransportCurl="true" fix available for the standalone php version? I'm getting the same 'no matching videos' error intermittently for a really large aggregation site that we're about to launch...
Sure, you can just use
[tubepress disableHttpTransportCurl="true"]These advanced options are described more in the docs. If you're experiencing an intermittent "No videos found", I would highly suggest enabling the TubePress request cache...
[tubepress cacheEnabled="true" cacheLifetimeSeconds="18000"]That particular shortcode would turn on a cache with an expiry of 5 hours, which should greatly improve your performance. Let me know how that works for you.
Posted 20 October 2011 - 02:34 AM
I am also receiving the 'No Matching Videos' error, but I do not know why.
The error in your debug output is "The album id was either not valid or not provided". You're definitely providing an album ID, but for some reason Vimeo isn't happy with it.
I've contacted Vimeo about this issue.
I did notice, though, that an album ID that is 6 characters long (like the one that shows up in the default settings) work fine, but my album IDs have 7 characters, i.e. "1724755". Could that possibly be why it isn't working?
Thank you for the response, it is very much appreciated.
Posted 23 October 2011 - 11:02 AM
7 Day Free Trial cPanel Hosting. Hope this helps someone. You can see it in action at FreeTravelVideos.com
Posted 23 October 2011 - 12:59 PM
As for the videos not playing in a player with version 2.2.9, I got tired of not getting answers and I reverted back to an earlier version of TubePress and videos now play. I hope a solution is found for 2.2.9.
Posted 03 November 2011 - 11:12 PM
remove the new PL that YouTube now puts in front of the play list name
This worked for me, now my playlist displays
Posted 04 November 2011 - 09:44 AM
<?php print TubePressPro::getHtmlForShortcode("resultsPerPage='20' vimeoSecret='8492517944823237' vimeoKey='fdf0f6400dd5c02842e14ec4a181813c' mode='vimeoAlbum' vimeoAlbumValue='1675177' hqThumbs='true' thumbHeight='150' thumbWidth='200' playerLocation='normal' ajaxPagination='true' fullscreen='true' playerColor='38224b' playerHighlight='dfce6c' description='true' length='true' likes='true' tags='true' views='true' theme='vimeo' showRelated='false' title='false' showInfo='true' debugging_enabled='true' disableHttpTransportCurl='true' isableHttpTransportFsockOpen='true' isableHttpTransportStreams='true' cacheEnabled='true' cacheLifetimeSeconds='18000' "); ?>
I don't think it is a hosting problem. I server is hosted in house on our sprint T1.
Any ideas or suggestions of what else to try.
Posted 04 November 2011 - 08:11 PM
The next version of TubePress will provide plain English explanations for why folks get "No matching videos," but in your case the response from Vimeo is
oauth_timestamp passed is either too far in the past or in the future. Vimeo thinks the current time is 1320455323This means that your server's time is off by at least a few minutes from the actual time. I would contact your hosting support and inform them of the mistake. There's also a small chance that either your server or Vimeo's server has changed due to daylight savings. But either way I would contact your hosting support. Keep us posted. Thanks!
Posted 07 November 2011 - 08:03 AM
Posted 08 November 2011 - 06:30 PM
You may require to sign up for our blog to view the page though? Either way, any thoughts on how i can fix this problem?
Posted 10 November 2011 - 01:48 PM
Hi eric,
I experience the same error. YouTube is working fine, but vimeo doesn't do the trick. The Code I am using is:
[tubepress mode="vimeoUploadedBy" vimeoUploadedByValue="grifo" theme="vimeo" playerLocation="popup" hqThumbs="true" resultCountCap="15" disableHttpTransportCurl="true"]
I also tried the addition of
[cacheEnabled="true" cacheLifetimeSeconds="18000"], but unfortunately without any luck.
The page can be seen here: http://www.5back5.co...chtest/vorleser
Any help is very much appreciated.
Many thanks,
Posted 11 November 2011 - 09:02 PM
The error message from Vimeo in your case is
The API key passed was not validHave you performed the one time Vimeo API setup for TubePress? If so, please triple-check that the VImeo API key and secret are entered correctly, and that they're not swapped. Let us know. Thanks!
Posted 20 November 2011 - 11:46 PM
Posted 21 November 2011 - 12:11 PM
I haven't been able to find anything that looks like an error in the debug readouts: http://double7images...ress_debug=true
Tubepress is working for individual YouTube embeds, and some vimeo embeds, but some vimeo embeds and our main gallery are missing.
As far as we can tell, the problem happened spontaneously on Sunday morning. I tried upgrading from version 2.2.0 to 2.2.9 and have tried a couple of other vimeo accounts to see if the particular account is the issue with no luck.
Posted 22 November 2011 - 07:58 AM
We're having the No Matching Videos issue on our site, http://www.double7images.com
I haven't been able to find anything that looks like an error in the debug readouts: http://double7images...ress_debug=true
Tubepress is working for individual YouTube embeds, and some vimeo embeds, but some vimeo embeds and our main gallery are missing.
As far as we can tell, the problem happened spontaneously on Sunday morning. I tried upgrading from version 2.2.0 to 2.2.9 and have tried a couple of other vimeo accounts to see if the particular account is the issue with no luck.
Hello, i have same problem with vimeo videos.
This is Debug output:
1,305.09 ms (Pro Shortcode HTML Generator) Type of IOC container is org_tubepress_impl_ioc_ProInWordPressIocService (memory: 36,460 KB)
1,305.18 ms (Shortcode parser) Found a shortcode: [tubepress] (memory: 36,460 KB)
1,305.20 ms (Shortcode parser) No custom options detected in shortcode: [tubepress] (memory: 36,460 KB)
1,305.21 ms (Pro Shortcode HTML Generator) Running the shortcode HTML chain (memory: 36,459 KB)
1,305.24 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_AjaxSearchInputCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 36,462 KB)
1,307.10 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_DetachedPlayerCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 36,484 KB)
1,307.67 ms (Detached Player Command) Not set to show output or no gallery ID set (memory: 36,498 KB)
1,307.68 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_SearchInputCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 36,498 KB)
1,307.73 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_SearchOutputCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 36,499 KB)
1,308.31 ms (Search Output Command) Not configured for search results (memory: 36,519 KB)
1,308.33 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_SingleVideoCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 36,520 KB)
1,309.19 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_SoloPlayerCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 36,537 KB)
1,309.78 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_ThumbGalleryCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 36,550 KB)
1,310.77 ms (Thumb Gallery Command) Starting to build thumbnail gallery 1115725670 (memory: 36,574 KB)
1,314.07 ms (Theme Handler) Attempting to load template instance from gallery.tpl.php (memory: 36,681 KB)
1,314.13 ms (Theme Handler) Requested theme is 'default' (memory: 36,681 KB)
1,314.35 ms (Theme Handler) Loaded file at /home/www/grip-tv.cz/www/grip-tv.cz/grip-production/wp-content/plugins/tubepress_pro_2_2_9/sys/ui/themes/default/gallery.tpl.php (memory: 36,681 KB)
1,314.47 ms (Theme Handler) Successfully loaded template from /home/www/grip-tv.cz/www/grip-tv.cz/grip-production/wp-content/plugins/tubepress_pro_2_2_9/sys/ui/themes/default/gallery.tpl.php (memory: 36,681 KB)
1,315.08 ms (Thumb Gallery Command) Asking provider for videos (memory: 36,685 KB)
1,315.30 ms (Multiple Sources Video Provider) Multiple video sources not detected at the moment. (memory: 36,679 KB)
1,315.34 ms (Video Provider) Current page number is 1 (memory: 36,681 KB)
1,315.97 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_url_commands_YouTubeUrlBuilderCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 36,697 KB)
1,317.23 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_url_commands_VimeoUrlBuilderCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 36,767 KB)
1,318.69 ms (Chain Gang) org_tubepress_impl_url_commands_VimeoUrlBuilderCommand handled execution (memory: 36,858 KB)
1,318.71 ms (Video Provider) URL to fetch is http://vimeo.com/api...=vim...wrQ97J8= (memory: 36,858 KB)
1,321.04 ms (Cache Aware Feed Fetcher) Skip cache check for http://vimeo.com/api...=vim...wrQ97J8= (memory: 36,993 KB)
1,322.39 ms (HTTP Client) Will perform GET to http://vimeo.com/api...=vim...wrQ97J8= (memory: 37,094 KB)
1,322.42 ms (HTTP Client) HTTP compression is available. Yay! (memory: 37,091 KB)
1,322.58 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_http_clientimpl_commands_ExtHttpCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 37,095 KB)
1,324.53 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_http_clientimpl_commands_CurlCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 37,211 KB)
1,542.12 ms (Chain Gang) org_tubepress_impl_http_clientimpl_commands_CurlCommand handled execution (memory: 37,252 KB)
1,542.18 ms (Cache Aware Feed Fetcher) Raw result for http://vimeo.com/api...=vim...wrQ97J8= is in the HTML source for this page. (memory: 37,247 KB)
1,542.89 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_feed_commands_YouTubeFeedInspectionCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 37,258 KB)
1,543.74 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_feed_commands_VimeoFeedInspectionCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 37,282 KB)
1,544.15 ms (Chain Gang) org_tubepress_impl_feed_commands_VimeoFeedInspectionCommand handled execution (memory: 37,289 KB)
Posted 23 November 2011 - 09:41 PM
We're having the No Matching Videos issue on our site, http://www.double7images.com
I haven't been able to find anything that looks like an error in the debug readouts: http://double7images...ress_debug=true
Tubepress is working for individual YouTube embeds, and some vimeo embeds, but some vimeo embeds and our main gallery are missing.
As far as we can tell, the problem happened spontaneously on Sunday morning. I tried upgrading from version 2.2.0 to 2.2.9 and have tried a couple of other vimeo accounts to see if the particular account is the issue with no luck.
The error message (buried deep in the debug output) in your case is
The oauth_timestamp passed is either too far in the past or in the future
This means that your server's time is off by at least a few minutes. You'll need to contact your hosting provider to have them correct it, as the Vimeo API is (for better or worse) time sensitive.
Posted 23 November 2011 - 09:42 PM
Hello, i have same problem with vimeo videos.
Please post a URL to your site so we can take a look. Thanks.
Posted 24 November 2011 - 03:58 AM
my server time is correct, as you can see on this page. I've put echo of time() in there. Also i triple checked my consumer key and secret.
Vimeo APP have application url http://www.griptv.cz
Thanks a lot of your time!
Posted 24 November 2011 - 05:17 PM
anybody know what the problem is?
3,105.76 ms (Pro Shortcode HTML Generator) Type of IOC container is org_tubepress_impl_ioc_ProInWordPressIocService (memory: 13,408 KB)
3,105.87 ms (Shortcode parser) Found a shortcode: [tubepress mode="vimeoAlbum" vimeoAlbumValue="1755743" theme="vimeo" playerLocation="popup" hqThumbs="true" resultCountCap="15" cacheEnabled="true" cacheLifetimeSeconds="18000"] (memory: 13,409 KB)
3,105.95 ms (Shortcode parser) Custom options detected in shortcode: [tubepress mode="vimeoAlbum" vimeoAlbumValue="1755743" theme="vimeo" playerLocation="popup" hqThumbs="true" resultCountCap="15" cacheEnabled="true" cacheLifetimeSeconds="18000"] (memory: 13,411 KB)
3,106.56 ms (Shortcode parser) Valid shortcode option detected: mode = vimeoAlbum (memory: 13,441 KB)
3,106.80 ms (Shortcode parser) Valid shortcode option detected: vimeoAlbumValue = 1755743 (memory: 13,445 KB)
3,106.84 ms (Shortcode parser) Valid shortcode option detected: theme = vimeo (memory: 13,445 KB)
3,106.90 ms (Shortcode parser) Valid shortcode option detected: playerLocation = popup (memory: 13,446 KB)
3,106.97 ms (Shortcode parser) Valid shortcode option detected: hqThumbs = 1 (memory: 13,447 KB)
3,107.02 ms (Shortcode parser) Valid shortcode option detected: resultCountCap = 15 (memory: 13,447 KB)
3,107.07 ms (Shortcode parser) Valid shortcode option detected: cacheEnabled = 1 (memory: 13,447 KB)
3,107.11 ms (Shortcode parser) Valid shortcode option detected: cacheLifetimeSeconds = 18000 (memory: 13,447 KB)
3,107.17 ms (Pro Shortcode HTML Generator) Running the shortcode HTML chain (memory: 13,447 KB)
3,107.19 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_AjaxSearchInputCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 13,447 KB)
3,108.61 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_DetachedPlayerCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 13,464 KB)
3,109.05 ms (Detached Player Command) Not set to show output or no gallery ID set (memory: 13,471 KB)
3,109.06 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_SearchInputCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 13,471 KB)
3,109.12 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_SearchOutputCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 13,471 KB)
3,109.56 ms (Search Output Command) Not configured for search results (memory: 13,483 KB)
3,109.58 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_SingleVideoCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 13,483 KB)
3,110.35 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_SoloPlayerCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 13,493 KB)
3,110.77 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_ThumbGalleryCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 13,501 KB)
3,111.64 ms (Thumb Gallery Command) Starting to build thumbnail gallery 2061642575 (memory: 13,515 KB)
3,113.91 ms (Theme Handler) Attempting to load template instance from gallery.tpl.php (memory: 13,582 KB)
3,113.95 ms (Theme Handler) Requested theme is 'vimeo' (memory: 13,582 KB)
3,114.02 ms (Theme Handler) Loaded file at /home/www/papinfilms.com/wp-content/plugins/tubepress_pro/sys/ui/themes/vimeo/gallery.tpl.php (memory: 13,583 KB)
3,114.05 ms (Theme Handler) Successfully loaded template from /home/www/papinfilms.com/wp-content/plugins/tubepress_pro/sys/ui/themes/vimeo/gallery.tpl.php (memory: 13,583 KB)
3,114.35 ms (Thumb Gallery Command) Asking provider for videos (memory: 13,585 KB)
3,114.38 ms (Multiple Sources Video Provider) Multiple video sources not detected at the moment. (memory: 13,585 KB)
3,114.42 ms (Video Provider) Current page number is 1 (memory: 13,585 KB)
3,114.86 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_url_commands_YouTubeUrlBuilderCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 13,594 KB)
3,115.99 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_url_commands_VimeoUrlBuilderCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 13,642 KB)
3,117.60 ms (Chain Gang) org_tubepress_impl_url_commands_VimeoUrlBuilderCommand handled execution (memory: 13,701 KB)
3,117.62 ms (Video Provider) URL to fetch is http://vimeo.com/api...od=vim...eMj+Q= (memory: 13,703 KB)
3,119.54 ms (Cache Aware Feed Fetcher) First asking cache for http://vimeo.com/api...od=vim...eMj+Q= (memory: 13,783 KB)
3,119.70 ms (Cache Aware Feed Fetcher) Cache does not have http://vimeo.com/api...od=vim...eMj+Q=. We'll have to get it from the network. (memory: 13,783 KB)
3,121.10 ms (HTTP Client) Will perform GET to http://vimeo.com/api...od=vim...eMj+Q= (memory: 13,846 KB)
3,121.20 ms (HTTP Client) HTTP compression is available. Yay! (memory: 13,844 KB)
3,121.44 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_http_clientimpl_commands_ExtHttpCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 13,845 KB)
3,123.29 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_http_clientimpl_commands_CurlCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 13,919 KB)