Fixing this:
[tubepress mode ="tag" "tagValue = '" Ira Madiyama "']
to this:
[tubepress mode ="tag" tagValue="Ira Madiyama"]
is easy.
First use something like Duplicator to make a back up of your site in case something goes wrong with the SQL replace below.
Go into your cpanel and click on phpMyAdmin.
I take i that this link above in in your content box for each post so click on wp-posts and then go to:
Then go to SQL and click on it.
In the SQL box enter this:
update wp_posts set post_content = replace("tagValue = '" ','tagValue = '"');
the press go. It will change the first problem tagvalue and clean it up.
Next enter this info the SQL box:
update wp_posts set post_content = replace(" "']','"]');
This will clean up the last of the problems.
If you are nervious about running this have your support at your provider do it for you.
This is a heck of a lot easier than redoing 2000 posts.