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Can't Create Theme Because Some Bug Exists...?


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#1 hello



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Posted 27 November 2014 - 11:17 AM

Hello, I have TP PRO V4.0.0 where I uses it as Standalone-Php, 


I want to create my custom theme, but I can't figure out where to put the theme's files. There is a two places to place the flles, but whenever I place them there, it doesn't make it work . 


I've tried: 




but it can't see any theme :( 


I suspect some bugs in v.4.0 because it always looking for "web" folder. 

(and I'm not forgot about "Rebuild the System Cache")



So my question is: How to add my theme (template) in Standalone version? When I trying (theme='MyTheme') it doesn't work.  



Please clarify it, it seems like a bug. 

#2 TubePress LLC

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Posted 28 November 2014 - 08:29 PM



Sorry for the delay - we were out of the office for the Thanksgiving holiday.


I've responded to your question over at GitHub. Please feel free to follow up either here or there and we will be glad to assist.

