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Shdowbox.js For You Tube Videos In Tubepress For Wix.com


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#1 Jasper Gloerich

Jasper Gloerich


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Posted 30 July 2013 - 01:59 PM



I'm building websites in wix.com. I'm looking for a video gallery like Tubepress. The thing I miss is the option to use expand mode. I want to click on a thumpnail and then the You tube movie pops out. 

Is this possible if I upgrade to the pro version?


Greetings, Jasper Gloerich

#2 eric


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Posted 02 August 2013 - 04:13 PM

Hi Jasper,


Sure, Shadowbox.js and all the other players are already built into TubePress for Wix. To access these settings, simply click the "More Settings" button in the TubePress app settings window (screenshot). You'll find the options under the "Player" tab, specifically the "Play each video..." dropdown menu.


Does that make sense?

