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Pro Version User And Not Getting Any Support

youtube performance thumbnails wordpress

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#1 newhorizon



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Posted 30 March 2013 - 01:04 PM


We recently purchased the pro version of the extension. I posted a question under "NewHorizon" user. I did not receive any reply what so ever. When I posted the question under "Contact us", I was asked to use the forum, which is exactly what I did at the beginning, and received no answer.

I'm currently very unhappy with your support.



The original post:



We implemented the Tube Press Pro in our website: www.blenders.co.il

Please checkout how it look like here: http://www.blenders.co.il/videos/

This is the configuration:

[tubepress mode="user" userValue="VitamixNewHorizon" theme="custom" resultCountCap="-1" title="true" length="false" views="false" uploaded="false" orderBy="published" relativeDates="true" description="false" descriptionLimit ="20"]


Please help,


#2 brandon


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Posted 30 March 2013 - 01:17 PM

Hello Effi,


I'm terribly sorry that your post did not get a quick response.  Please accept my apologies on behalf of everyone here at TubePress.


There are some problems with your shortcode.

resultCountCap="-1"   <--  The options for this shortcode tag is any positive number, by having the "-1" in there, your CountCap is being ignored.

orderBy="published"  <-- Published is not a valid tag here, the options are: commentCount, newest, oldest, duration, position, reversedPosition, random, rating, relevance, title, viewCount.  So you would most likely wish to use "newest"


As to why the text is not showing up, if you change the "height" attribute of the "tubepress_thumb" css class, the text will become visible.


Here is a link to another post in which this is discussed: http://community.tub...ta-data/?p=5027


Again, I apologize that your original post was not replied to in a timely fashion.


Please let us know if you have any other questions or problems.



Want a faster, more personalized support experience? Open a ticket with us! We will be gradually phasing out forum-based support in favor of a proper ticketing system. Please help us help you!

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