Best Answer eric, 10 February 2013 - 08:31 PM
Fixed! Your initial hunch was correct - the cause of the problem was a malformed <iframe> embed in some of the advertising code. Specifically, it was the middle widget of Footer Sidebar #4 widget area. It looked like this
<iframe src="http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?t=oboysports-20&o=1&p=21&l=ur1&category=shorts&banner=0Q6KW3RZAZTTW5085702&f=ifr" width="125" height="125" scrolling="no" border="0" marginwidth="0" style="border:none;"
So I fixed it to make it look like this:
<iframe src="http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?t=oboysports-20&o=1&p=21&l=ur1&category=shorts&banner=0Q6KW3RZAZTTW5085702&f=ifr" width="125" height="125" scrolling="no" border="0" marginwidth="0" style="border:none;"></iframe>
So how did that break TubePress? The malformed HTML caused the web browser to ignore any HTML below this line. But below this line were all the <script> includes required for jQuery UI - so those simply weren't getting loaded at all. However, jQuery's ready() event still fired, at which point your theme's JavaScript ran and immediately hit a fatal error because it depends on a jQuery UI library that never got loaded. TubePress 3.0.0 and below rely heavily on the ready() event, so any fatal error will essentially break TubePress. I'm working on a rewrite for TubePress 3.0.1 that will remove TubePress's dependency on jQuery.ready().
I clicked on your profile image, then clicked "Send Me a Message". At the top of the message I was creating, it said "Technical support via private messages is not permitted unless specifically requested by a TubePress Staff member."
Then after I entered my subject and message and clicked Send, it said "The member eric cannot receive any new messages".
Thanks! That should allow me to reproduce this.
I mean how did you know that the file that you reference, is the file where the problem lies?
Here's what I did:
- Cloned the arras theme from its GitHub page to my local drive.
- Using the command line, ran
grep -r "enqueue_script" *
This allowed me to see every file and line for which the theme was calling enqueue_script(). - Found line 47 of widgets.php, where the theme had enqueued jQuery UI
I like getting code onto my local machine so I can search through it quickly!
Feel free to experiment to make sure that indeed it's fixed. And also feel free to delete my temporary account on your site. Thanks!
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