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Tubepress Pro Developer's License -- Possible For Auto Updates In The Future?

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#1 Danielle Hobeika

Danielle Hobeika


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Posted 14 August 2015 - 12:00 PM

I recently purchased a developer's license for TubePress pro, as I am a web designer and use TubePress on a large number of websites.


However, as a freelance designer and not part of a big business, I am only one person and I don't manage every client's website that I design -- they are usually responsible for maintaining and updating their own website after launch.


In the TubePress documentation, it suggests that you manually update TubePress pro: http://docs.tubepres...-uninstall.html


In the future, is it possible to build in a system with a licensing key that would allow me to enter the key into all WordPress websites that I use TubePress Pro,  so then clients can auto update their own sites? Gravity forms, Events Manager Pro, and many other paid plugins have this option for their developer's licenses.


Otherwise, I have to go in and manually update like 30 different websites every time TubePress Pro needs to be updated. Do you have any suggestions on how to work around this?

#2 eric


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Posted 15 August 2015 - 12:10 PM

Hi Danielle,


Thanks for contacting us. We've been hearing this request more and more from our customers, and right now the unfortunate answer is that we don't have an automated solution available. However given the increasing pressure on us, I'll make this higher priority. We are finishing up TubePress 4.2.0 right now (which is focused on Vimeo's new API and a smarter options page for TubePress) but I think the version after that we should be able to add automatic upgrades.


In the meantime, I'm not sure of any easy workarounds :/


I know that's not the answer you were hoping to hear but please know that we are working on it! Please let me know what else we can do for you, and thanks for using TubePress.

