Hi there
I've just upgraded to version 4.1.8 and having some difficulty getting things to work as they did previously.
In particular on the front page of our website www.traveldaily.com.au we want to display just the most recently favorited video of our youtube channel - without any thumbnails below it. Currently I'm doing it using the following:
print TubePressPro::getHtmlForShortcode('mode="favorites" favoritesValue="traveldaily" resultCountCap="1" orderBy="newest" playerLocation="normal" embeddedWidth="442" embeddedHeight="284" descriptionLimit="0" description="false" title="false" autoplay="false"');
I've tried doing it with resultCountCap="0" but that doesn't work.
Any ideas? Esssentially I want it to work like [tubepress video="XXXX"] to display just a single video, but have it automatically select the most recently favourited video.