Tubepress Saying "device Not Supported" All Of A Sudden
Posted 23 April 2015 - 12:01 PM
Any idea what's up with this and how I can make it work again? So strange... Thank you.
Posted 23 April 2015 - 08:39 PM
I am seeing the same problem beginning today. Very strange. All plugins up to date, and running latest version of WordPress.
Posted 23 April 2015 - 09:43 PM
In follow up I have solved the problem by updating to the latest version of the plugin and creating my own Google You Tube API per the instructions provide elsewhere on this forum.
At the moment I am using the Free version but will be upgrading.
Posted 23 April 2015 - 10:17 PM
Hi gerrypo... I just did a search for youtube API on this forum and the search removed "API" for some reason. Do you have a link? I went into the settings and there is already an API code under the feed area of the settings. Anyway, do you have a link to the area on the forum where the fix is? Appreciate it!
Posted 23 April 2015 - 10:28 PM
Hey Brian:
Follow this and you should be OK. Makes sure you download the latest version, not from WordPress since they no longer will have the latest version. When you get your own API it should work. Let me know. Glad to help.
Posted 24 April 2015 - 12:15 AM
Okay, so I did everything it said... But it didn't work. I'm wondering if this is the problem... I made the API key in my Google account, but this is a client's website/youtube account. Does the API key have to be made in their youtube account? If so, does this mean every single client I make a video gallery for will have to give me their Google login? That would not be fun.
Posted 24 April 2015 - 12:28 AM
I did just figure one thing out! If you have TubePress play a Playlist rather than your entire YouTube channel, it won't show that error. At least on my site it goes away. I embedded a playlist right under my entire library. It was there for the entire library, but not the playlist.
Posted 27 April 2015 - 07:44 PM
You will not need to create a new API key for each website, as one API key is good for something like 5 million API calls a day.
The reason you will sometimes get that error is because each vanilla install of TubePress utilizes our API key, so it may or may not work properly
We strongly recommend putting in your own API key for optimal performance.
Want a faster, more personalized support experience? Open a ticket with us! We will be gradually phasing out forum-based support in favor of a proper ticketing system. Please help us help you!
Posted 30 April 2015 - 09:47 AM
Just to clarify: If we want to stream a client's channel we don't need an API key for them but can use our own? They're using version 3.1.8 and just got this error message recently. The videos work but the error video is being forced into their feed.
Update: I've followed the steps described here http://community.tub...into-tubepress/ and have not experienced any changes. The error video still shows.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for this?
Posted 30 April 2015 - 10:39 PM
You can use your own API key for multiple websites/customers. I believe the API Call limitation is somewhere around 50k calls a day, so as long as you don't exceed that, you're good to go!
You will need to update to 4.1.8 from the 3.x version as YouTube will be permanently turning off APIv2 for shortly, not just injecting an annoying video.
Want a faster, more personalized support experience? Open a ticket with us! We will be gradually phasing out forum-based support in favor of a proper ticketing system. Please help us help you!