Best Answer labraud, 17 March 2015 - 03:46 AM
I confirm today that the situation is stabilized.
Thanks for the support.
We can consider the topic solved.
Go to the full post
Best Answer labraud, 17 March 2015 - 03:46 AM
I confirm today that the situation is stabilized.
Thanks for the support.
We can consider the topic solved.
Go to the full postPosted 11 March 2015 - 02:59 AM
Tubepress is installed on a multisite website and works well. But sometimes, an error occurs and TubeBress displays the message "YouTube returned a non-numeric result count:"
Today, it occurs on the website site : http://www.sergegira...galerie-videos/(french website)
At the same moment,it is working on the website http://www.sergegira.../galerie-videos(english website) where tubepress is configured as the french site.
I tried to save the settings, disable and reenable caching.... It's still displaying the error message on french website.
I activated the debugging mode. So please, could you help me to resolve this problem.
Thanks !
Posted 11 March 2015 - 04:01 AM
I installed the last free version 4.0.8. It worked on both french and english websites but displayed only 3 thumbnails.
So i nstalled the pro version 4.0.8. This version doesn't work on both webtsites and still displays the same message : "
Youtube Returned A Non-Numeric Result Count:"
I tried to change a setting in tubepress : passed from a "youtube user" to a "youtube playlist" (with the one proposed by default) and it works. I tried with my playlist, it doesn't work...
I don't know what to do more to solve this problem...
Posted 11 March 2015 - 04:07 AM
Finally, I solved the problem by modifying the "Thumbnails per page" in feed tab !
Posted 11 March 2015 - 07:05 AM
Sorry, I cried victory too soon...
The problem appeared again on the french website : http://www.sergegira...galerie-videos/
To resolve it, I needed to modify again the "Thumbnails per page" setting in feed tab.
Please, could you hep me solve this problem.
Posted 11 March 2015 - 09:59 PM
Very strange issue indeed. I have asked our developer to look into it.
Want a faster, more personalized support experience? Open a ticket with us! We will be gradually phasing out forum-based support in favor of a proper ticketing system. Please help us help you!
Posted 13 March 2015 - 01:04 PM
Please, have you found something about the issue, since the problem appears again now, and this time on both sites.
Posted 13 March 2015 - 05:53 PM
Digging into your debug output, specifically by looking at the HTML source, I can see the following error from YouTube:
What this means is that YouTube thinks that your site is hitting its API too much, and is throttling you. Here are two workarounds:
Please give one or both of those a try and let us know. Thanks!
Posted 14 March 2015 - 03:53 AM
Thanks for your answer. I activated the cache on both websites and the issue is still unresolved.
I tried the link that you provided to change the API key but it doesn't work.
I think that I managed to find the way to change the API key, but could you confirm me that I have to choose
or if I am on the wrong way, give me the right URL to change the API key.
PS : what API key is registered for the moment in TubePress configuration ?
Posted 14 March 2015 - 02:35 PM
Finally, I used the link provided in the "Cache" tab of TubePress settings which is ok.
I generated 2 API keys, one for each of the two websites and entered them in TubePress settings.
It seems to work fine till now. I will let you know if the situation is stabilized.
Posted 15 March 2015 - 11:23 PM
Let us know if you run into any further issues. Thanks
Posted 17 March 2015 - 03:46 AM Best Answer
I confirm today that the situation is stabilized.
Thanks for the support.
We can consider the topic solved.