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Thumbnail Link not working

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29 replies to this topic

#1 Paul Jenkinson

Paul Jenkinson


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Posted 21 June 2011 - 03:20 AM

Hi i have installed this on my server and i can not get the
Thumbnail Link to work
it displays the video and you can play it but the rest of the videos
it just dissplays Thumbnails with the video info under it
the link is


#2 eric


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Posted 22 June 2011 - 09:16 PM

Hi Paul,

Are you still experiencing this issue? I checked out your gallery and it seems to be working normally. Let me know what I'm missing. Thanks!

#3 Paul Jenkinson

Paul Jenkinson


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Posted 27 June 2011 - 10:11 AM

Hi yes i fixed it

the problem i was having was this
i installed the prgram into the video folder
and all seemed ok but the thuumbs did not work
after a bit of digging i fould out that i need to put a copy of the sys folder into the root of my server /
this then solved all the problms


#4 fran cayman

fran cayman


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Posted 30 June 2011 - 05:07 AM

Hi, I can't get my links work.
Can you help me?
I've copied the sys folder in every possible place and still is not working

#5 guenny verde

guenny verde


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Posted 05 July 2011 - 01:15 PM

My thumbnail links not working after upgraded. :(
Check it: http://www.unavitave...ideo-streaming/
Help me, what should I do?

#6 ilmondo deidoppiatorit

ilmondo deidoppiatorit


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Posted 05 July 2011 - 06:39 PM

Same problem here...


after upgrading to 2.2.5, reinstalling Shadowbox.js, reinstalling the whole plugin...thumbnails are still not clickable (i've chosen Shadowbox) ;(

This is my debug report:

0.01 ms (TubePress Bootstrapper) Booting! (memory: 15,542 KB)
12.43 ms (Plugin Manager) Registered "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_embeddedtemplate_CoreVariables" as a filter for "embeddedTemplate" (memory: 15,614 KB)
19.96 ms (Plugin Manager) Registered "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_galleryhtml_GalleryJs" as a filter for "galleryHtml" (memory: 15,646 KB)
24.53 ms (Plugin Manager) Registered "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_gallerytemplate_CoreVariables" as a filter for "galleryTemplate" (memory: 15,654 KB)
28.07 ms (Plugin Manager) Registered "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_gallerytemplate_EmbeddedPlayerName" as a filter for "galleryTemplate" (memory: 15,662 KB)
31.40 ms (Plugin Manager) Registered "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_gallerytemplate_Pagination" as a filter for "galleryTemplate" (memory: 15,705 KB)
44.35 ms (Plugin Manager) Registered "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_gallerytemplate_Player" as a filter for "galleryTemplate" (memory: 15,755 KB)
50.31 ms (Plugin Manager) Registered "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_gallerytemplate_VideoMeta" as a filter for "galleryTemplate" (memory: 15,767 KB)
52.34 ms (Plugin Manager) Registered "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_playertemplate_CoreVariables" as a filter for "playerTemplate" (memory: 15,775 KB)
55.58 ms (Plugin Manager) Registered "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_providerresult_ResultCountCapper" as a filter for "providerResult" (memory: 15,787 KB)
59.65 ms (Plugin Manager) Registered "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_providerresult_VideoBlacklist" as a filter for "providerResult" (memory: 15,796 KB)
61.64 ms (Plugin Manager) Registered "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_providerresult_Shuffler" as a filter for "providerResult" (memory: 15,802 KB)
66.20 ms (Plugin Manager) Registered "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_providerresult_VideoPrepender" as a filter for "providerResult" (memory: 15,824 KB)
76.06 ms (Plugin Manager) Registered "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_searchinputtemplate_CoreVariables" as a filter for "searchInputTemplate" (memory: 15,844 KB)
80.22 ms (Plugin Manager) Registered "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_singlevideotemplate_CoreVariables" as a filter for "singleVideoTemplate" (memory: 15,851 KB)
82.08 ms (Plugin Manager) Registered "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_singlevideotemplate_VideoMeta" as a filter for "singleVideoTemplate" (memory: 15,858 KB)
109.62 ms (Plugin Manager) Registered "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_listeners_WordPressBoot" as a listener for "boot" (memory: 16,031 KB)
111.64 ms (TubePress Bootstrapper) Successfully opened /web/htdocs/www.ilmondodeidoppiatori.it/home/news/wp-content/plugins/tubepress/content/plugins to read contents. (memory: 16,052 KB)
112.32 ms (TubePress Bootstrapper) Examining potential plugin directory at /web/htdocs/www.ilmondodeidoppiatori.it/home/news/wp-content/plugins/tubepress/content/plugins/sample_plugin (memory: 16,052 KB)
112.41 ms (TubePress Bootstrapper) Successfully opened /web/htdocs/www.ilmondodeidoppiatori.it/home/news/wp-content/plugins/tubepress/content/plugins/sample_plugin to read contents. (memory: 16,053 KB)
112.52 ms (TubePress Bootstrapper) Loading PHP file at /web/htdocs/www.ilmondodeidoppiatori.it/home/news/wp-content/plugins/tubepress/content/plugins/sample_plugin/sample_tubepress_plugin.php (memory: 16,053 KB)
112.66 ms (Plugin Manager) Now running 1 listeners(s) for "boot" (memory: 16,055 KB)
112.68 ms (Plugin Manager) Now running listener 1 of 1 for event "boot": "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_listeners_WordPressBoot" (memory: 16,056 KB)

357.73 ms (Shortcode HTML Generator Chain) Type of IOC container is org_tubepress_impl_ioc_FreeWordPressPluginIocService (memory: 25,979 KB)
357.81 ms (Shortcode parser) Regular expression for content is \[tubepress\b(.*)\] (memory: 25,979 KB)
357.84 ms (Shortcode parser) Found a shortcode: [tubepress mode="playlist" playlistValue="AB165DDB74E5D028" theme="youtube" playerLocation="shadowbox" paginationAbove="false"] (memory: 25,980 KB)
357.91 ms (Shortcode parser) Custom options detected in shortcode: [tubepress mode="playlist" playlistValue="AB165DDB74E5D028" theme="youtube" playerLocation="shadowbox" paginationAbove="false"] (memory: 25,983 KB)
358.48 ms (Shortcode parser) Custom shortcode detected: mode = playlist (memory: 26,013 KB)
358.70 ms (Shortcode parser) Custom shortcode detected: playlistValue = AB165DDB74E5D028 (memory: 26,008 KB)
358.74 ms (Shortcode parser) Custom shortcode detected: theme = youtube (memory: 26,008 KB)
358.79 ms (Shortcode parser) Custom shortcode detected: playerLocation = shadowbox (memory: 26,008 KB)
358.86 ms (Shortcode parser) Custom shortcode detected: paginationAbove = (memory: 26,008 KB)
358.91 ms (Shortcode HTML Generator Chain) Running the shortcode HTML chain (memory: 26,003 KB)
358.93 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_SearchInputCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,005 KB)
359.89 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_SearchOutputCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,010 KB)
360.36 ms (Search Output Command) Not configured for search results (memory: 26,025 KB)
360.38 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_SingleVideoCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,025 KB)
361.06 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_SoloPlayerCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,037 KB)
361.55 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_ThumbGalleryCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,046 KB)
362.32 ms (Thumb Gallery Command) Starting to build thumbnail gallery 1526866951 (memory: 26,063 KB)
365.22 ms (Theme Handler) Attempting to load template instance from gallery.tpl.php (memory: 26,147 KB)
365.29 ms (Theme Handler) Successfully loaded template from /web/htdocs/www.ilmondodeidoppiatori.it/home/news/wp-content/plugins/tubepress/sys/ui/themes/youtube/gallery.tpl.php (memory: 26,148 KB)
365.85 ms (Thumb Gallery Command) Asking provider for videos (memory: 26,153 KB)
365.89 ms (Video Provider) Current page number is 2 (memory: 26,154 KB)
366.35 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_url_commands_YouTubeUrlBuilderCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,165 KB)
367.82 ms (Chain Gang) org_tubepress_impl_url_commands_YouTubeUrlBuilderCommand handled execution (memory: 26,211 KB)
367.84 ms (Video Provider) URL to fetch is http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/AB165DDB74E5D028?v=2&key=AI39si5uUzupiQW9bpzGqZRrhvqF3vBgRqL-I_28G1zWozmdNJlskzMDQEhpZ-l2RqGf_6CNWooL96oJZRrqKo-eJ9QO_QppMg&start-index=6&max-results=5&orderby=published&safeSearch=moderate (memory: 26,210 KB)
369.66 ms (Cache Aware Feed Fetcher) First asking cache for http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/AB165DDB74E5D028?v=2&key=AI39si5uUzupiQW9bpzGqZRrhvqF3vBgRqL-I_28G1zWozmdNJlskzMDQEhpZ-l2RqGf_6CNWooL96oJZRrqKo-eJ9QO_QppMg&start-index=6&max-results=5&orderby=published&safeSearch=moderate (memory: 26,299 KB)
370.24 ms (Cache Aware Feed Fetcher) Cache has http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/AB165DDB74E5D028?v=2&key=AI39si5uUzupiQW9bpzGqZRrhvqF3vBgRqL-I_28G1zWozmdNJlskzMDQEhpZ-l2RqGf_6CNWooL96oJZRrqKo-eJ9QO_QppMg&start-index=6&max-results=5&orderby=published&safeSearch=moderate. Sweet. (memory: 26,354 KB)
370.92 ms (Cache Aware Feed Fetcher) Raw result for http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/AB165DDB74E5D028?v=2&key=AI39si5uUzupiQW9bpzGqZRrhvqF3vBgRqL-I_28G1zWozmdNJlskzMDQEhpZ-l2RqGf_6CNWooL96oJZRrqKo-eJ9QO_QppMg&start-index=6&max-results=5&orderby=published&safeSearch=moderate is in the HTML source for this page. (memory: 26,553 KB)
371.78 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_feed_commands_YouTubeFeedInspectionCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,412 KB)
373.84 ms (Chain Gang) org_tubepress_impl_feed_commands_YouTubeFeedInspectionCommand handled execution (memory: 26,427 KB)
373.86 ms (Video Provider) Reported total result count is 32 video(s) (memory: 26,426 KB)
374.41 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_factory_commands_YouTubeFactoryCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,439 KB)
376.18 ms (YouTube Video Factory) Attempting to load XML from YouTube (memory: 26,559 KB)
377.08 ms (YouTube Video Factory) Successfully loaded XML from YouTube (memory: 26,559 KB)
377.09 ms (YouTube Video Factory) Building xpath to parse XML (memory: 26,559 KB)
377.27 ms (Abstract Factory Command) Now building 5 video(s) from raw feed (memory: 26,560 KB)
382.18 ms (Abstract Factory Command) Built 5 video(s) from raw feed (memory: 26,588 KB)
382.20 ms (Chain Gang) org_tubepress_impl_factory_commands_YouTubeFactoryCommand handled execution (memory: 26,587 KB)
382.23 ms (Plugin Manager) Now running 4 filter(s) for "providerResult" (memory: 26,586 KB)
382.25 ms (Plugin Manager) Running filter 1 of 4 for "providerResult" point: "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_providerresult_ResultCountCapper" (memory: 26,587 KB)
382.33 ms (Result Count Capper) Effective total result count (taking into account user-defined limit) is 32 video(s) (memory: 26,588 KB)
382.35 ms (Plugin Manager) Running filter 2 of 4 for "providerResult" point: "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_providerresult_VideoBlacklist" (memory: 26,587 KB)
382.43 ms (Plugin Manager) Running filter 3 of 4 for "providerResult" point: "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_providerresult_Shuffler" (memory: 26,587 KB)
382.49 ms (Plugin Manager) Running filter 4 of 4 for "providerResult" point: "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_providerresult_VideoPrepender" (memory: 26,587 KB)
382.53 ms (Thumb Gallery Command) Provider has delivered 5 videos (memory: 26,539 KB)
382.55 ms (Plugin Manager) Now running 5 filter(s) for "galleryTemplate" (memory: 26,539 KB)
382.57 ms (Plugin Manager) Running filter 1 of 5 for "galleryTemplate" point: "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_gallerytemplate_CoreVariables" (memory: 26,541 KB)
382.68 ms (Plugin Manager) Running filter 2 of 5 for "galleryTemplate" point: "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_gallerytemplate_EmbeddedPlayerName" (memory: 26,541 KB)
382.75 ms (Plugin Manager) Running filter 3 of 5 for "galleryTemplate" point: "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_gallerytemplate_Pagination" (memory: 26,541 KB)
383.29 ms (Plugin Manager) No filters registered for "paginationHtml". (memory: 26,543 KB)
383.34 ms (Plugin Manager) Running filter 4 of 5 for "galleryTemplate" point: "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_gallerytemplate_Player" (memory: 26,542 KB)
383.86 ms (Plugin Manager) Running filter 5 of 5 for "galleryTemplate" point: "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_gallerytemplate_VideoMeta" (memory: 26,551 KB)
385.96 ms (Plugin Manager) Now running 1 filter(s) for "galleryHtml" (memory: 26,573 KB)
385.98 ms (Plugin Manager) Running filter 1 of 1 for "galleryHtml" point: "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_galleryhtml_GalleryJs" (memory: 26,574 KB)
386.31 ms (Gallery JS Filter) No theme CSS found. (memory: 26,570 KB)
386.33 ms (Thumb Gallery Command) Done assembling gallery 1526866951 (memory: 26,558 KB)
386.37 ms (Chain Gang) org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_ThumbGalleryCommand handled execution (memory: 26,523 KB)
386.46 ms (Shortcode HTML Generator Chain) Type of IOC container is org_tubepress_impl_ioc_FreeWordPressPluginIocService (memory: 26,529 KB)
386.53 ms (Shortcode parser) Regular expression for content is \[tubepress\b(.*)\] (memory: 26,529 KB)
386.56 ms (Shortcode parser) Found a shortcode: [tubepress mode="playlist" playlistValue="2EEB8CAD7BE9AC97" theme="youtube" playerLocation="shadowbox" paginationAbove="false"] (memory: 26,530 KB)
386.60 ms (Shortcode parser) Custom options detected in shortcode: [tubepress mode="playlist" playlistValue="2EEB8CAD7BE9AC97" theme="youtube" playerLocation="shadowbox" paginationAbove="false"] (memory: 26,533 KB)
386.63 ms (Shortcode parser) Custom shortcode detected: mode = playlist (memory: 26,533 KB)
386.67 ms (Shortcode parser) Custom shortcode detected: playlistValue = 2EEB8CAD7BE9AC97 (memory: 26,534 KB)
386.71 ms (Shortcode parser) Custom shortcode detected: theme = youtube (memory: 26,534 KB)
386.77 ms (Shortcode parser) Custom shortcode detected: playerLocation = shadowbox (memory: 26,534 KB)
386.83 ms (Shortcode parser) Custom shortcode detected: paginationAbove = (memory: 26,534 KB)
386.88 ms (Shortcode HTML Generator Chain) Running the shortcode HTML chain (memory: 26,529 KB)
386.90 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_SearchInputCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,531 KB)
386.94 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_SearchOutputCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,531 KB)
386.99 ms (Search Output Command) Not configured for search results (memory: 26,531 KB)
387.00 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_SingleVideoCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,531 KB)
387.04 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_SoloPlayerCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,531 KB)
387.07 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_ThumbGalleryCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,531 KB)
387.12 ms (Thumb Gallery Command) Starting to build thumbnail gallery 1874828194 (memory: 26,532 KB)
387.16 ms (Theme Handler) Attempting to load template instance from gallery.tpl.php (memory: 26,532 KB)
387.22 ms (Theme Handler) Successfully loaded template from /web/htdocs/www.ilmondodeidoppiatori.it/home/news/wp-content/plugins/tubepress/sys/ui/themes/youtube/gallery.tpl.php (memory: 26,533 KB)
387.29 ms (Thumb Gallery Command) Asking provider for videos (memory: 26,532 KB)
387.32 ms (Video Provider) Current page number is 2 (memory: 26,534 KB)
387.42 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_url_commands_YouTubeUrlBuilderCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,536 KB)
387.87 ms (Chain Gang) org_tubepress_impl_url_commands_YouTubeUrlBuilderCommand handled execution (memory: 26,536 KB)
387.89 ms (Video Provider) URL to fetch is http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/2EEB8CAD7BE9AC97?v=2&key=AI39si5uUzupiQW9bpzGqZRrhvqF3vBgRqL-I_28G1zWozmdNJlskzMDQEhpZ-l2RqGf_6CNWooL96oJZRrqKo-eJ9QO_QppMg&start-index=6&max-results=5&orderby=published&safeSearch=moderate (memory: 26,536 KB)
388.00 ms (Cache Aware Feed Fetcher) First asking cache for http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/2EEB8CAD7BE9AC97?v=2&key=AI39si5uUzupiQW9bpzGqZRrhvqF3vBgRqL-I_28G1zWozmdNJlskzMDQEhpZ-l2RqGf_6CNWooL96oJZRrqKo-eJ9QO_QppMg&start-index=6&max-results=5&orderby=published&safeSearch=moderate (memory: 26,546 KB)
388.33 ms (Cache Aware Feed Fetcher) Cache has http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/2EEB8CAD7BE9AC97?v=2&key=AI39si5uUzupiQW9bpzGqZRrhvqF3vBgRqL-I_28G1zWozmdNJlskzMDQEhpZ-l2RqGf_6CNWooL96oJZRrqKo-eJ9QO_QppMg&start-index=6&max-results=5&orderby=published&safeSearch=moderate. Sweet. (memory: 26,588 KB)
388.92 ms (Cache Aware Feed Fetcher) Raw result for http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/2EEB8CAD7BE9AC97?v=2&key=AI39si5uUzupiQW9bpzGqZRrhvqF3vBgRqL-I_28G1zWozmdNJlskzMDQEhpZ-l2RqGf_6CNWooL96oJZRrqKo-eJ9QO_QppMg&start-index=6&max-results=5&orderby=published&safeSearch=moderate is in the HTML source for this page. (memory: 26,774 KB)
389.30 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_feed_commands_YouTubeFeedInspectionCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,628 KB)
390.29 ms (Chain Gang) org_tubepress_impl_feed_commands_YouTubeFeedInspectionCommand handled execution (memory: 26,628 KB)
390.31 ms (Video Provider) Reported total result count is 28 video(s) (memory: 26,626 KB)
390.38 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_factory_commands_YouTubeFactoryCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,628 KB)
390.41 ms (YouTube Video Factory) Attempting to load XML from YouTube (memory: 26,628 KB)
391.30 ms (YouTube Video Factory) Successfully loaded XML from YouTube (memory: 26,628 KB)
391.32 ms (YouTube Video Factory) Building xpath to parse XML (memory: 26,628 KB)
391.41 ms (Abstract Factory Command) Now building 5 video(s) from raw feed (memory: 26,629 KB)
395.95 ms (Abstract Factory Command) Built 5 video(s) from raw feed (memory: 26,655 KB)
395.97 ms (Chain Gang) org_tubepress_impl_factory_commands_YouTubeFactoryCommand handled execution (memory: 26,654 KB)
396.00 ms (Plugin Manager) Now running 4 filter(s) for "providerResult" (memory: 26,653 KB)
396.02 ms (Plugin Manager) Running filter 1 of 4 for "providerResult" point: "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_providerresult_ResultCountCapper" (memory: 26,654 KB)
396.09 ms (Result Count Capper) Effective total result count (taking into account user-defined limit) is 28 video(s) (memory: 26,655 KB)
396.11 ms (Plugin Manager) Running filter 2 of 4 for "providerResult" point: "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_providerresult_VideoBlacklist" (memory: 26,654 KB)
396.18 ms (Plugin Manager) Running filter 3 of 4 for "providerResult" point: "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_providerresult_Shuffler" (memory: 26,655 KB)
396.25 ms (Plugin Manager) Running filter 4 of 4 for "providerResult" point: "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_providerresult_VideoPrepender" (memory: 26,655 KB)
396.28 ms (Thumb Gallery Command) Provider has delivered 5 videos (memory: 26,610 KB)
396.30 ms (Plugin Manager) Now running 5 filter(s) for "galleryTemplate" (memory: 26,611 KB)
396.32 ms (Plugin Manager) Running filter 1 of 5 for "galleryTemplate" point: "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_gallerytemplate_CoreVariables" (memory: 26,612 KB)
396.41 ms (Plugin Manager) Running filter 2 of 5 for "galleryTemplate" point: "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_gallerytemplate_EmbeddedPlayerName" (memory: 26,612 KB)
396.48 ms (Plugin Manager) Running filter 3 of 5 for "galleryTemplate" point: "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_gallerytemplate_Pagination" (memory: 26,612 KB)
396.97 ms (Plugin Manager) No filters registered for "paginationHtml". (memory: 26,624 KB)
397.02 ms (Plugin Manager) Running filter 4 of 5 for "galleryTemplate" point: "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_gallerytemplate_Player" (memory: 26,623 KB)
397.07 ms (Plugin Manager) Running filter 5 of 5 for "galleryTemplate" point: "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_gallerytemplate_VideoMeta" (memory: 26,623 KB)
399.12 ms (Plugin Manager) Now running 1 filter(s) for "galleryHtml" (memory: 26,645 KB)
399.14 ms (Plugin Manager) Running filter 1 of 1 for "galleryHtml" point: "org_tubepress_impl_plugin_filters_galleryhtml_GalleryJs" (memory: 26,646 KB)
399.47 ms (Gallery JS Filter) No theme CSS found. (memory: 26,642 KB)
399.49 ms (Thumb Gallery Command) Done assembling gallery 1874828194 (memory: 26,630 KB)
399.53 ms (Chain Gang) org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_ThumbGalleryCommand handled execution (memory: 26,597 KB)
399.64 ms (Shortcode HTML Generator Chain) Type of IOC container is org_tubepress_impl_ioc_FreeWordPressPluginIocService (memory: 26,595 KB)
399.72 ms (Shortcode parser) Regular expression for content is \[tubepress\b(.*)\] (memory: 26,595 KB)
399.75 ms (Shortcode parser) Found a shortcode: [tubepress mode="playlist" playlistValue="72BA9AE2245D5A4C" theme="youtube" playerLocation="shadowbox" paginationAbove="false"] (memory: 26,596 KB)
399.79 ms (Shortcode parser) Custom options detected in shortcode: [tubepress mode="playlist" playlistValue="72BA9AE2245D5A4C" theme="youtube" playerLocation="shadowbox" paginationAbove="false"] (memory: 26,599 KB)
399.82 ms (Shortcode parser) Custom shortcode detected: mode = playlist (memory: 26,599 KB)
399.87 ms (Shortcode parser) Custom shortcode detected: playlistValue = 72BA9AE2245D5A4C (memory: 26,600 KB)
399.91 ms (Shortcode parser) Custom shortcode detected: theme = youtube (memory: 26,600 KB)
399.96 ms (Shortcode parser) Custom shortcode detected: playerLocation = shadowbox (memory: 26,600 KB)
400.02 ms (Shortcode parser) Custom shortcode detected: paginationAbove = (memory: 26,600 KB)
400.06 ms (Shortcode HTML Generator Chain) Running the shortcode HTML chain (memory: 26,595 KB)
400.08 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_SearchInputCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,597 KB)
400.13 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_SearchOutputCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,597 KB)
400.17 ms (Search Output Command) Not configured for search results (memory: 26,597 KB)
400.18 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_SingleVideoCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,597 KB)
400.22 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_SoloPlayerCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,597 KB)
400.25 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_shortcode_commands_ThumbGalleryCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,597 KB)
400.31 ms (Thumb Gallery Command) Starting to build thumbnail gallery 664687166 (memory: 26,598 KB)
400.34 ms (Theme Handler) Attempting to load template instance from gallery.tpl.php (memory: 26,598 KB)
400.40 ms (Theme Handler) Successfully loaded template from /web/htdocs/www.ilmondodeidoppiatori.it/home/news/wp-content/plugins/tubepress/sys/ui/themes/youtube/gallery.tpl.php (memory: 26,599 KB)
400.48 ms (Thumb Gallery Command) Asking provider for videos (memory: 26,598 KB)
400.51 ms (Video Provider) Current page number is 2 (memory: 26,600 KB)
400.60 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_url_commands_YouTubeUrlBuilderCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,602 KB)
401.05 ms (Chain Gang) org_tubepress_impl_url_commands_YouTubeUrlBuilderCommand handled execution (memory: 26,602 KB)
401.07 ms (Video Provider) URL to fetch is http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/72BA9AE2245D5A4C?v=2&key=AI39si5uUzupiQW9bpzGqZRrhvqF3vBgRqL-I_28G1zWozmdNJlskzMDQEhpZ-l2RqGf_6CNWooL96oJZRrqKo-eJ9QO_QppMg&start-index=6&max-results=5&orderby=published&safeSearch=moderate (memory: 26,602 KB)
401.12 ms (Cache Aware Feed Fetcher) First asking cache for http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/72BA9AE2245D5A4C?v=2&key=AI39si5uUzupiQW9bpzGqZRrhvqF3vBgRqL-I_28G1zWozmdNJlskzMDQEhpZ-l2RqGf_6CNWooL96oJZRrqKo-eJ9QO_QppMg&start-index=6&max-results=5&orderby=published&safeSearch=moderate (memory: 26,602 KB)
401.30 ms (Cache Aware Feed Fetcher) Cache has http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/72BA9AE2245D5A4C?v=2&key=AI39si5uUzupiQW9bpzGqZRrhvqF3vBgRqL-I_28G1zWozmdNJlskzMDQEhpZ-l2RqGf_6CNWooL96oJZRrqKo-eJ9QO_QppMg&start-index=6&max-results=5&orderby=published&safeSearch=moderate. Sweet. (memory: 26,605 KB)
401.36 ms (Cache Aware Feed Fetcher) Raw result for http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/72BA9AE2245D5A4C?v=2&key=AI39si5uUzupiQW9bpzGqZRrhvqF3vBgRqL-I_28G1zWozmdNJlskzMDQEhpZ-l2RqGf_6CNWooL96oJZRrqKo-eJ9QO_QppMg&start-index=6&max-results=5&orderby=published&safeSearch=moderate is in the HTML source for this page. (memory: 26,622 KB)
401.45 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_feed_commands_YouTubeFeedInspectionCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,615 KB)
401.60 ms (Chain Gang) org_tubepress_impl_feed_commands_YouTubeFeedInspectionCommand handled execution (memory: 26,616 KB)
401.62 ms (Video Provider) Reported total result count is 4 video(s) (memory: 26,614 KB)
401.69 ms (Chain Gang) Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_factory_commands_YouTubeFactoryCommand" wants to handle execution (memory: 26,615 KB)
401.72 ms (YouTube Video Factory) Attempting to load XML from YouTube (memory: 26,616 KB)
401.83 ms (YouTube Video Factory) Successfully loaded XML from YouTube (memory: 26,616 KB)
401.84 ms (YouTube Video Factory) Building xpath to parse XML (memory: 26,616 KB)
401.90 ms (Abstract Factory Command) Now building 0 video(s) from raw feed (memory: 26,617 KB)
401.94 ms (Abstract Factory Command) Built 0 video(s) from raw feed (memory: 26,617 KB)
401.95 ms (Chain Gang) org_tubepress_impl_factory_commands_YouTubeFactoryCommand handled execution (memory: 26,616 KB)

where i noticed this line:

386.31 ms (Gallery JS Filter) No theme CSS found. (memory: 26,570 KB)

any idea? Thanks in advance!

#7 guenny verde

guenny verde


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Posted 06 July 2011 - 06:20 AM

I decided to use an older version of the plugin (it's version 2.1.2 ). It works well in WP 3.2. No problem.
Check it: http://www.unavitave...ideo-streaming/

#8 ilmondo deidoppiatorit

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Posted 06 July 2011 - 03:02 PM

Unfortunately thumbnails still not clickable...even removing Google Analytics plugin or installing 2.1.2 version. I've checked also if my custom template has wp head (); and wp footer (); call and there they are. Hope Eric will help, thanks anyway ;)

#9 ilmondo deidoppiatorit

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Posted 06 July 2011 - 03:05 PM

OK, I've just checked and with other pre-made themes all it's working fine...so it's a problem referred to my custom theme. Just wondering where is the error...

#10 ilmondo deidoppiatorit

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Posted 06 July 2011 - 03:31 PM


I was missing the

?php wp_head(); ?>
before in page.php (i was checking in header.php). My fault, i really apologise.

Thanks anyway.

#11 mark dickson

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Posted 19 July 2011 - 08:05 AM

I decided to use an older version of the plugin (it's version 2.1.2 ). It works well in WP 3.2. No problem.
Check it: http://www.unavitave...ideo-streaming/

I followed your advice and installed this earlier version and is now working! Thanks verder

#12 guenny verde

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Posted 19 July 2011 - 08:54 AM

I decided to use an older version of the plugin (it's version 2.1.2 ). It works well in WP 3.2. No problem.
Check it: http://www.unavitave...ideo-streaming/

I followed your advice and installed this earlier version and is now working! Thanks verder

No problem. ;) Now you must not upgrade plugin. ;)
For creator of the plugin - Your plugin is Great! Thanks!!

#13 Andrew Benson

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Posted 19 July 2011 - 04:01 PM

I'm also getting non-clickable thumbnails. Total bummer. It seems like a widespread problem with the update. Is there an easy fix I can do on my end?

#14 eric


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Posted 19 July 2011 - 11:10 PM

Is there an easy fix I can do on my end?

I would try updating WordPress to 3.2 or installing this plugin to use a newer version of jQuery.

#15 Andrew Benson

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Posted 20 July 2011 - 01:27 AM

The plugin didn't help, so looks like I'll be backing up and migrating to a MySQL 5 DB so I can upgrade Wordpress. :(

#16 Andrew Benson

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Posted 20 July 2011 - 02:34 AM

Actually, updating everything to the latest (WP, tubepress, etc.) didn't help. Still can't click on the thumbnails to get them to play. Please let me know what else could be the issue.


#17 eric


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Posted 20 July 2011 - 06:29 PM

Actually, updating everything to the latest (WP, tubepress, etc.) didn't help. Still can't click on the thumbnails to get them to play

I just checked out your gallery and everything seems to be working normally - the thumbs are clickable. Did you change something since your last message? I see that you've updated jQuery to 1.6.1, and my hunch is that's what fixed it.

#18 < no first name > Cardin

< no first name > Cardin


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Posted 21 July 2011 - 12:29 PM

Same problem, I use tubepress pro on only one site, embeddedmicrocontroller.com and the free version on a couple other site.

This particular site doesn't work with anything above 2.1.2

the theme was made from Artisteer. I have reinstalled 2.1.2 until someone finds out what is going on.

The free version seems to work fine on Artisteer and other themes with wp 3.2


#19 < no first name > Cardin

< no first name > Cardin


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Posted 21 July 2011 - 01:01 PM

This may or may not be related but at the same time I updated to 2.1.5 and it didn't appear to work I started getting these 404 errors from the Google crawler.


I now have over 300 of these no-text errors that I have never seen before.
maybe coincidence maybe something new with the google monster?


#20 Norman Kaui

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Posted 22 July 2011 - 04:01 AM

I also downgraded to 2.1.2 and it works. All other plugin version do not work. using msql 5.0, latest version of WP and Firefox.