Best Answer eric, 24 June 2014 - 02:26 PM
My apologies for the delayed response. It took me longer than I thought to work through the solution - mainly due to some misconfiguration in my local dev environment.
Switching your solution to albums will not be difficult. Here's a proof of concept that I just built: http://youtu.be/ogcxVMF0ygc. You should be able to extrapolate from this demo
to fit your needs.
The "parent" page (the one hosting the Cats and Dogs buttons) is a regular WordPress page with the following content:
<div id="result">[tubepress]</div> <button id="cats-button">Cats</button> <button id="dogs-button">Dogs</button> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function () { jQuery('button').click(function () { var prefix = jQuery(this).attr('id').replace('-button', ''); jQuery('#result').load('/supplier-page/?album=' + prefix); }); }); </script>
There are three important pieces here:
- A <div> with id="result" that contains a TubePress gallery (though this could be empty if you'd like).
- Two buttons, each corresponding to a set of videos that we'd like to show.
- Some jQuery which populates the result div via an Ajax call to /supplier-page/. We tack on an "album" parameter to the Ajax URL.
/supplier-page/ is another regular WordPress page, but I've used a custom template for it. i.e. the file is called page-13.php and sits inside my theme directory. The contents of
page-13.php is:
<?php include WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/tubepress/src/main/php/classes/TubePressPro.php'; switch ($_GET['album']) { case 'dogs': $tagValue = 'dogs'; break; default: $tagValue = 'cats'; break; } echo TubePressPro::getHtmlForShortcode('[tubepress mode="tag" tagValue="' . $tagValue . '"]');
As you can see, we read the album parameter and spit back the appropriate TubePress-built thumbnails. In your case, instead of using tag and tagValue, you'll want to use something like
echo TubePressPro::getHtmlForShortcode('[tubepress mode="vimeoAlbum" vimeoAlbumValue="' . $albumValue . '"]')
Make sure to sanitize anything retrieved from $_GET, of course. Does that make sense? Let me know if you need any assistance in implementing, or if anything from this proof of concept is not clear. Hope this helps?
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