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Standalone Set Up Problem

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22 replies to this topic

#1 Chip ward1359656487

Chip ward1359656487


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Posted 21 April 2011 - 07:36 PM

I am running PHP 5.2.x on a dedicated server. I've checked and re-checked the url(s) and path(s) and pinged them from terminal just to make sure they are correct. The following code is what I'm running, which yields a blank page (no source code). PHP is being parsed, as without the /body/ call, a "no video" message is printed. Likely I'm missing something in the invocation, though I'm uncertain what, as the syntax *seems* correct. I've also check permissions on all files and set to 755 and 777 (current state) just to make certain. I've also put this on a virtual server on a different machine and produced the same results. Perhaps someone would be kind enough to point out where the wheels came off this thing:

$tubepress_base_url = 'http://equitrekking.com/video/tp/';
include '/var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/TubePressPro.class.php';
		<title>TubePress Pro Example in Plain PHP</title>
		<?php print TubePressPro::getHtmlForHead(true); ?>
                        <?php print TubePressPro::getHtmlForShortcode("mode="playlist" playlistValue="BB604A85A07B197B" theme="youtube" playerLocation="popup" hqThumbs="true" resultCountCap="15""); ?>

#2 eric


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Posted 22 April 2011 - 02:58 PM


Sorry that you're having trouble getting this to work. We should be able to fix it without too much trouble. Here are the things that I would try:

  • Check your PHP error log. A blank page, as you may well know, is almost always due to a fatal error. And in 99% of PHP installations with logging enabled, fatal errors are logged. This would be the most direct way to pinpoint the issue.
  • Comment out all the PHP invocations in your code, make sure that you're getting good HTML output, then re-enable them one by one. If we could figure out which line of code is causing the error, we would know where to dig further.

Meanwhile, I'll update your account here so your name shows up in green. Thanks!

#3 Chip ward1359656487

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Posted 26 April 2011 - 04:56 PM

PHP is throwing the following error (via the ExpressionEngine CMS):

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in ...../httpdocs/ee_admin/core/core.functions.php(634) : eval()'d code on line 22

Line 22 is blank. (634), assuming that refers to a line is:

/** ----------------------------------------
    /**  eval() 
    /** ----------------------------------------*/
    // Evaluates a string as PHP
    function evaluate($str)
		return eval('?>'.$str.'<?php ');
		// ?><?php // BBEdit syntax coloring bug fix
    /* END */

Not sure what this means.


#4 Chip ward1359656487

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Posted 28 April 2011 - 03:06 PM

Perhaps a refund would be best, as this question seems over looked while problems more recent than this are tended to first. If it isn't worth the developer's time, it certainly isn't worth mine to hack out a solution alone.

Also, one may want to consider changing "like" to "link" under Forum rule No. 2.

#5 eric


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Posted 28 April 2011 - 04:41 PM

These PHP errors all point to ExpressionEngine - a software about which I'm not familiar. Have you contacted their support desk? A search of the error shows that it's not entirely rare.

Also, have you tried the second troubleshooting step I mentioned above? (commenting out PHP invocations) This would help us narrow down the issue.

Also, one may want to consider changing "like" to "link" under Forum rule No. 2.

Will do. Thanks!

#6 Chip ward1359656487

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Posted 28 April 2011 - 06:13 PM

This error is common to EE, though typically when JS breaks. As far as I can tell, there's no JS being pulled from TP files, save for JQuery, which I"m already running (v 1.5.1) without issue. I may be incorrect about where else TP is using JS.

Looking at line 22 of the EE file throwing the error yields little, as it's empty. Lines 23-27 are as follows:
if ( ! defined('EXT'))
    exit('Invalid file request');

I've commented out PHP invocations in order and reverse order. Nothing parsed differently, which is to say, not at all.

Thank you. I appreciate your time.

#7 eric


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Posted 28 April 2011 - 06:27 PM

Nothing parsed differently

Bizarre indeed. So what happens if you replace the entire contents of the file with just

<html>   <head>      <title>TubePress Pro Example in Plain PHP</title>       </head>       <body>              Test       </body></html>
Does that parse correctly? Next question would be, what happens if we change the file to

<span class="syntaxdefault"><?php echo 'Hello'; ?><html>   <head>      <title>TubePress Pro Example in Plain PHP</title>       </head>       <body>              Test       </body></html></span>
I'm thinking there must be a way we can trip the error. As for the JS, TubePress does inject a few things into the HTML head (which is normally done for you via the getHtmlForHead() function). Samples from tubepress.org:

<script type='text/javascript' src='http://tubepress.com/wp-content/plugins/tubepress_pro_2_2_0/sys/ui/static/js/tubepress.js'></script> 
<script type="text/javascript">function getTubePressBaseUrl(){return "http://tubepress.com/wp-content/plugins/tubepress_pro_2_2_0";}</script>
I can't imagine this would be the cause of the issue, but then again I'm not familiar with EE. Thanks for your patience in working this out!

#8 Chip ward1359656487

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Posted 28 April 2011 - 06:45 PM

Plain html worked. Also, the "Hello Test" PHP printed properly.

I don't think this is a JS issue. And since this is usually caused by lack of whitespace in a JS statement, EE is clueless about it.

I'm willing to try anything you suggest.

#9 eric


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Posted 28 April 2011 - 09:41 PM

OK, I'm glad that we're making some progress. In the spirit of taking small steps to find the issue, let's try this:

<span class="syntaxdefault"><?php $tubepress_base_url = 'http://equitrekking.com/video/tp/';include '/var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/TubePressPro.class.php';?><html>   <head>      <title>TubePress Pro Example in Plain PHP</title>       </head>       <body>                Test       </body></html></span>
If that works, next step would be to try

<span class="syntaxdefault"><?php $tubepress_base_url = 'http://equitrekking.com/video/tp/';include '/var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/TubePressPro.class.php';?><html>   <head>      <title>TubePress Pro Example in Plain PHP</title>       <?php print TubePressPro::getHtmlForHead(false); ?>       </head>       <body>                Test       </body></html></span>
Notice that we're sending "false" to getHtmlForHead(). Again just narrowing down what could go wrong. Thanks again!

#10 Chip ward1359656487

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Posted 29 April 2011 - 02:15 PM

I'll try the code and report back.

#11 Chip ward1359656487

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Posted 29 April 2011 - 02:34 PM

Both code snippets print "Test" successfully.

#12 Chip ward1359656487

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Posted 29 April 2011 - 02:50 PM

Also, I checked the logs and no PHP errors were thrown.

Both code snippets print "Test" successfully.

#13 eric


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Posted 29 April 2011 - 04:51 PM

OK, so it has to be the last PHP invocation that is causing all the trouble. Please try

<span class="syntaxdefault"><?php $tubepress_base_url = 'http://equitrekking.com/video/tp/';include '/var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/TubePressPro.class.php';?><html>   <head>      <title>TubePress Pro Example in Plain PHP</title>       </head>       <body>                <?php print TubePressPro::getHtmlForShortcode('mode="playlist" playlistValue="BB604A85A07B197B" theme="youtube" playerLocation="popup" hqThumbs="true" resultCountCap="15"'); ?>       </body></html></span>
and let me know the result. Also please pay careful attention to single vs. double quotes. Looking back to original post, I see that you had

<?php print TubePressPro::getHtmlForShortcode("mode="playlist" playlistValue="BB604A85A07B197B" theme="youtube" playerLocation="popup" hqThumbs="true" resultCountCap="15""); ?>
instead of

<?php print TubePressPro::getHtmlForShortcode('mode="playlist" playlistValue="BB604A85A07B197B" theme="youtube" playerLocation="popup" hqThumbs="true" resultCountCap="15"'); ?>
The former is not correct syntax as PHP, as you probably know, is picky about single/double quotes. This may have been the problem all along, and the ExpressionEngine error (all the line 22 business) could have been a red herring...

#14 Chip ward1359656487

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Posted 03 May 2011 - 08:59 AM

The code below printed "No matching videos". Is that the proper result?

Thanks very much for helping.

$tubepress_base_url = 'http://equitrekking.com/video/tp/';
include '/var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/TubePressPro.class.php';
      <title>TubePress Pro Example in Plain PHP</title>
                <?php print TubePressPro::getHtmlForShortcode('mode="playlist" playlistValue="BB604A85A07B197B" theme="youtube" playerLocation="popup" hqThumbs="true" resultCountCap="15"'); ?>

#15 eric


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Posted 03 May 2011 - 10:46 AM

It shouldn't say "No matching videos," but now we know that TubePress is being invoked and we can rule out any of those nasty PHP errors.

I tried using that shortcode locally and got a gallery of videos, so now we just need to find out why it's not finding videos for you. Putting your site into debug mode will tell us what's going on. Could you either share a link to your site or post the content of the debug output?

#16 Chip ward1359656487

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Posted 03 May 2011 - 10:55 AM

The debug print is as follows:
0.0059604644775391 ms > (Standalone Bootstrapper) > Booting! (memory: 6,206 KB)
0.49495697021484 ms > (Standalone Bootstrapper) > Loading TubePress filters from /var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/org/tubepress/impl/filters/html (memory: 6,242 KB)
0.53000450134277 ms > (Standalone Bootstrapper) > Successfully opened /var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/org/tubepress/impl/filters/html to read contents. (memory: 6,242 KB)
1.1100769042969 ms > (Standalone Bootstrapper) > Loading TubePress filter at /var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/org/tubepress/impl/filters/html/ThemeCss.class.php (memory: 6,277 KB)
1.3949871063232 ms > (Filter Manager) > Registered org_tubepress_impl_filters_html_ThemeCss::filter as a filter for galleryHtml (memory: 6,301 KB)
1.4200210571289 ms > (Standalone Bootstrapper) > Loading TubePress filter at /var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/org/tubepress/impl/filters/html/AjaxPagination.class.php (memory: 6,298 KB)
1.6720294952393 ms > (Filter Manager) > Registered org_tubepress_impl_filters_html_AjaxPagination::filter as a filter for galleryHtml (memory: 6,315 KB)
1.6911029815674 ms > (Standalone Bootstrapper) > Loading TubePress filters from /var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/org/tubepress/impl/filters/template (memory: 6,312 KB)
1.7271041870117 ms > (Standalone Bootstrapper) > Successfully opened /var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/org/tubepress/impl/filters/template to read contents. (memory: 6,312 KB)
1.9960403442383 ms > (Standalone Bootstrapper) > Loading TubePress filter at /var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/org/tubepress/impl/filters/template/VideoMeta.class.php (memory: 6,312 KB)
2.3360252380371 ms > (Filter Manager) > Registered org_tubepress_impl_filters_template_VideoMeta::filter as a filter for galleryTemplate (memory: 6,329 KB)
2.3601055145264 ms > (Filter Manager) > Registered org_tubepress_impl_filters_template_VideoMeta::filter as a filter for singleVideoTemplate (memory: 6,329 KB)
2.3829936981201 ms > (Standalone Bootstrapper) > Loading TubePress filter at /var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/org/tubepress/impl/filters/template/EmbeddedPlayerName.class.php (memory: 6,325 KB)
2.6159286499023 ms > (Filter Manager) > Registered org_tubepress_impl_filters_template_EmbeddedPlayerName::filter as a filter for galleryTemplate (memory: 6,338 KB)
2.6400089263916 ms > (Standalone Bootstrapper) > Loading TubePress filter at /var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/org/tubepress/impl/filters/template/EmbeddedSource.class.php (memory: 6,335 KB)
2.8591156005859 ms > (Filter Manager) > Registered org_tubepress_impl_filters_template_EmbeddedSource::filter as a filter for singleVideoTemplate (memory: 6,346 KB)
2.8829574584961 ms > (Standalone Bootstrapper) > Loading TubePress filter at /var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/org/tubepress/impl/filters/template/Pagination.class.php (memory: 6,343 KB)
3.3149719238281 ms > (Filter Manager) > Registered org_tubepress_impl_filters_template_Pagination::filter as a filter for galleryTemplate (memory: 6,371 KB)
3.3400058746338 ms > (Standalone Bootstrapper) > Loading TubePress filter at /var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/org/tubepress/impl/filters/template/Player.class.php (memory: 6,366 KB)
4.0109157562256 ms > (Filter Manager) > Registered org_tubepress_impl_filters_template_Player::filter as a filter for galleryTemplate (memory: 6,438 KB)
4.0309429168701 ms > (Standalone Bootstrapper) > Loading TubePress filters from /var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/org/tubepress/impl/filters/feedresult (memory: 6,433 KB)
4.0609836578369 ms > (Standalone Bootstrapper) > Successfully opened /var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/org/tubepress/impl/filters/feedresult to read contents. (memory: 6,434 KB)
4.2779445648193 ms > (Standalone Bootstrapper) > Loading TubePress filter at /var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/org/tubepress/impl/filters/feedresult/Shuffler.class.php (memory: 6,434 KB)
4.5020580291748 ms > (Filter Manager) > Registered org_tubepress_impl_filters_feedresult_Shuffler::filter as a filter for videosDelivery (memory: 6,444 KB)
4.525899887085 ms > (Standalone Bootstrapper) > Loading TubePress filter at /var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/org/tubepress/impl/filters/feedresult/VideoPrepender.class.php (memory: 6,442 KB)
4.8611164093018 ms > (Filter Manager) > Registered org_tubepress_impl_filters_feedresult_VideoPrepender::filter as a filter for videosDelivery (memory: 6,470 KB)
4.8859119415283 ms > (Standalone Bootstrapper) > Loading TubePress filter at /var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/org/tubepress/impl/filters/feedresult/VideoBlacklist.class.php (memory: 6,466 KB)
5.1319599151611 ms > (Filter Manager) > Registered org_tubepress_impl_filters_feedresult_VideoBlacklist::filter as a filter for videosDelivery (memory: 6,482 KB)
5.1569938659668 ms > (Standalone Bootstrapper) > Loading TubePress filter at /var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/org/tubepress/impl/filters/feedresult/ResultCountCapper.class.php (memory: 6,480 KB)
5.4240226745605 ms > (Filter Manager) > Registered org_tubepress_impl_filters_feedresult_ResultCountCapper::filter as a filter for videosDelivery (memory: 6,501 KB)
5.4481029510498 ms > (HTML Generator) > Type of IOC container is org_tubepress_impl_ioc_ProIocService (memory: 6,498 KB)
6.0091018676758 ms > (Shortcode parser) > Regular expression for content is \[tubepress\b(.*)\] (memory: 6,547 KB)
6.0288906097412 ms > (Shortcode parser) > Found a shortcode: [tubepress mode="playlist" playlistValue="BB604A85A07B197B" theme="youtube" playerLocation="popup" hqThumbs="true" resultCountCap="15"] (memory: 6,547 KB)
6.0880184173584 ms > (Shortcode parser) > Custom options detected in shortcode: [tubepress mode="playlist" playlistValue="BB604A85A07B197B" theme="youtube" playerLocation="popup" hqThumbs="true" resultCountCap="15"] (memory: 6,550 KB)
6.4890384674072 ms > (Shortcode parser) > Custom shortcode detected: mode = playlist (memory: 6,597 KB)
6.5920352935791 ms > (Gettext Message Service) > Built-in gettext detected. (memory: 6,620 KB)
9.4621181488037 ms > (Gettext Message Service) > LANG undefined. (memory: 6,959 KB)
9.5078945159912 ms > (Gettext Message Service) > Locales supported: en (memory: 6,960 KB)
9.5739364624023 ms > (Gettext Message Service) > Binding text domain to /var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/i18n (memory: 6,960 KB)
9.7858905792236 ms > (Shortcode parser) > Custom shortcode detected: playlistValue = BB604A85A07B197B (memory: 6,961 KB)
9.835958480835 ms > (Shortcode parser) > Custom shortcode detected: theme = youtube (memory: 6,961 KB)
9.8950862884521 ms > (Shortcode parser) > Custom shortcode detected: playerLocation = popup (memory: 6,961 KB)
9.9689960479736 ms > (Shortcode parser) > Custom shortcode detected: hqThumbs = 1 (memory: 6,961 KB)
10.016918182373 ms > (Shortcode parser) > Custom shortcode detected: resultCountCap = 15 (memory: 6,961 KB)
10.495901107788 ms > (Strategy Manager) > Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_html_strategies_AjaxSearchInputStrategy" wants to handle execution (memory: 6,980 KB)
11.961936950684 ms > (Strategy Manager) > Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_html_strategies_SearchInputStrategy" wants to handle execution (memory: 7,084 KB)
12.012958526611 ms > (Strategy Manager) > Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_html_strategies_SearchOutputStrategy" wants to handle execution (memory: 7,084 KB)
12.377977371216 ms > (Strategy Manager) > Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_html_strategies_SingleVideoStrategy" wants to handle execution (memory: 7,107 KB)
12.794971466064 ms > (Strategy Manager) > Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_html_strategies_SoloPlayerStrategy" wants to handle execution (memory: 7,124 KB)
13.11206817627 ms > (Strategy Manager) > Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_html_strategies_ThumbGalleryStrategy" wants to handle execution (memory: 7,140 KB)
13.535022735596 ms > (Strategy Manager) > org_tubepress_impl_html_strategies_ThumbGalleryStrategy will handle execution (memory: 7,172 KB)
14.024972915649 ms > (Thumb Gallery Strategy) > Starting to build thumbnail gallery 44599182 (memory: 7,200 KB)
14.90306854248 ms > (Theme Handler) > Attempting to load template instance from gallery.tpl.php (memory: 7,257 KB)
14.969110488892 ms > (Theme Handler) > Successfully loaded template from /var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/ui/themes/youtube/gallery.tpl.php (memory: 7,257 KB)
14.997005462646 ms > (Thumb Gallery Strategy) > Asking provider for videos (memory: 7,257 KB)
15.037059783936 ms > (Multiple Sources Video Provider) > Multiple video sources not detected at the moment. (memory: 7,257 KB)
15.346050262451 ms > (Video Provider) > Current page number is 1 (memory: 7,271 KB)
15.672922134399 ms > (Strategy Manager) > Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_url_strategies_YouTubeUrlBuilderStrategy" wants to handle execution (memory: 7,283 KB)
16.530990600586 ms > (Strategy Manager) > org_tubepress_impl_url_strategies_YouTubeUrlBuilderStrategy will handle execution (memory: 7,366 KB)
17.009019851685 ms > (Video Provider) > URL to fetch is http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/BB604A85A07B197B?v=2&key=AI39si5uUzupiQW9bpzGqZRrhvqF3vBgRqL-I_28G1zWozmdNJlskzMDQEhpZ-l2RqGf_6CNWooL96oJZRrqKo-eJ9QO_QppMg&start-index=1&max-results=20&orderby=viewCount&safeSearch=moderate&format=5 (memory: 7,372 KB)
18.574953079224 ms > (Cache Aware Feed Fetcher) > Skip cache check for http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/BB604A85A07B197B?v=2&key=AI39si5uUzupiQW9bpzGqZRrhvqF3vBgRqL-I_28G1zWozmdNJlskzMDQEhpZ-l2RqGf_6CNWooL96oJZRrqKo-eJ9QO_QppMg&start-index=1&max-results=20&orderby=viewCount&safeSearch=moderate&format=5 (memory: 7,509 KB)
19.612073898315 ms > (HTTP Client) > Will perform GET to http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/BB604A85A07B197B?v=2&key=AI39si5uUzupiQW9bpzGqZRrhvqF3vBgRqL-I_28G1zWozmdNJlskzMDQEhpZ-l2RqGf_6CNWooL96oJZRrqKo-eJ9QO_QppMg&start-index=1&max-results=20&orderby=viewCount&safeSearch=moderate&format=5 (memory: 7,611 KB)
19.638061523438 ms > (HTTP Client) > HTTP compression is available. Yay! (memory: 7,611 KB)
19.711971282959 ms > (Strategy Manager) > Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_http_clientimpl_strategies_ExtHttpStrategy" wants to handle execution (memory: 7,614 KB)
21.131992340088 ms > (Strategy Manager) > Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_http_clientimpl_strategies_CurlStrategy" wants to handle execution (memory: 7,736 KB)
21.662950515747 ms > (Strategy Manager) > org_tubepress_impl_http_clientimpl_strategies_CurlStrategy will handle execution (memory: 7,781 KB)
365.59104919434 ms > (Cache Aware Feed Fetcher) > Raw result for http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/BB604A85A07B197B?v=2&key=AI39si5uUzupiQW9bpzGqZRrhvqF3vBgRqL-I_28G1zWozmdNJlskzMDQEhpZ-l2RqGf_6CNWooL96oJZRrqKo-eJ9QO_QppMg&start-index=1&max-results=20&orderby=viewCount&safeSearch=moderate&format=5 is in the HTML source for this page. (memory: 8,067 KB)
366.25194549561 ms > (Strategy Manager) > Seeing if "org_tubepress_impl_feed_inspectionstrategies_YouTubeFeedInspectionStrategy" wants to handle execution (memory: 7,948 KB)
366.77408218384 ms > (Strategy Manager) > org_tubepress_impl_feed_inspectionstrategies_YouTubeFeedInspectionStrategy will handle execution (memory: 7,977 KB)
366.94288253784 ms > (Delegating Feed Inspector) > Caught exception while counting: DOMDocument class not found (memory: 8,314 KB)
366.9970035553 ms > (Video Provider) > Caught exception when retrieving videos: Zero videos found (memory: 7,892 KB)
367.02704429626 ms > (Thumb Gallery Strategy) > Provider has delivered 0 videos (memory: 7,892 KB)
No matching videos

#17 eric


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Posted 03 May 2011 - 11:43 AM

Aha, found the issue:

Caught exception while counting: DOMDocument class not found
This means that your PHP installation is missing the DOM extension. Your hosting provider would have had to explicitly turn it off (see http://us2.php.net/m...nstallation.php). I would contact your host and ask them to enable the extension for you. There's no security risk or performance penalty for having it enabled. Once it's turned on, I think you'll be good to go.

#18 Chip ward1359656487

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Posted 03 May 2011 - 01:51 PM

DOM is now on. Is the following the intended output?


#19 eric


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Posted 03 May 2011 - 02:23 PM

Very close! Forgot to add the invocation..

<span class="syntaxdefault"><?php $tubepress_base_url = 'http://equitrekking.com/video/tp/';include '/var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/TubePressPro.class.php';?><html>   <head>      <title>TubePress Pro Example in Plain PHP</title>      <?php print TubePressPro::getHtmlForHead(true); ?>       </head>       <body>                <?php print TubePressPro::getHtmlForShortcode('mode="playlist" playlistValue="BB604A85A07B197B" theme="youtube" playerLocation="popup" hqThumbs="true" resultCountCap="15"'); ?>       </body></html></span>

#20 Chip ward1359656487

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Posted 03 May 2011 - 02:51 PM

Added the head info. No change. Emptied cache and duplicated template just to be sure and it prints the same.

$tubepress_base_url = 'http://equitrekking.com/video/tp/';
include '/var/local/www/equitrekking.com/httpdocs/video/tp/sys/classes/TubePressPro.class.php';
      <title>TubePress Pro Example in Plain PHP</title>
      <?php print TubePressPro::getHtmlForHead(true); ?>
                <?php print TubePressPro::getHtmlForShortcode('mode="playlist" playlistValue="BB604A85A07B197B" theme="youtube" playerLocation="popup" hqThumbs="true" resultCountCap="15"'); ?>