Standalone problem, jQuery not defined?
Started by EC44, Mar 23 2011 05:02 AM
16 replies to this topic
Posted 23 March 2011 - 05:02 AM
I've been experimenting with tubepress and have run into problems with the php standalone on two different hosts. The thumbnails do not load correctly and are not active as links. From what I can tell, it seems to be an issue with jQuery in both cases? What should I do?
I've been experimenting with tubepress and have run into problems with the php standalone on two different hosts. The thumbnails do not load correctly and are not active as links. From what I can tell, it seems to be an issue with jQuery in both cases? What should I do?
Posted 23 March 2011 - 05:04 PM
It seems that your webserver isn't letting us retrieve TubePress's static files - it's sending a 403 Forbidden. http://i.imgur.com/4WvwF.png
It's probably a filesystem permissions issue, but could also be a server misconfiguration. I would check the filesystem permissions on your TubePress install. If they're correct, I would ask your hosting provider for an assist in figuring out what's going on with the server.
Let us know. Thanks!
It seems that your webserver isn't letting us retrieve TubePress's static files - it's sending a 403 Forbidden. http://i.imgur.com/4WvwF.png
It's probably a filesystem permissions issue, but could also be a server misconfiguration. I would check the filesystem permissions on your TubePress install. If they're correct, I would ask your hosting provider for an assist in figuring out what's going on with the server.
Let us know. Thanks!
Posted 25 March 2011 - 04:01 AM
You're right, it was a permissions issue. All seems to be working now, thanks for your help.
Posted 25 March 2011 - 10:13 AM
I'm now trying to use the plugin with Vimeo, and one of the two sites is working fine but the other one just displays the 'No Matching Videos' message. Would you mind taking a look again?
Posted 25 March 2011 - 05:39 PM
Looking at the debug output, the error message from Vimeo is
Invalid API KeyCould you triple check that your Vimeo key/secret were copied correctly from Vimeo?
Posted 26 March 2011 - 06:31 AM
Strange. I've triple checked, and created a different key/secret with another account but no luck. If I upload the same code to a different host it works fine.
Posted 26 March 2011 - 12:06 PM
Have you verified that the time and date on the non-functioning server is set correctly? Vimeo's API is time sensitive, and if your server's time is off by more than a few minutes than Vimeo has been known to reject the request.
Posted 28 March 2011 - 09:06 AM
Thanks - I've looked into this now, but the timezone is set to UTC and appears to be correct to the nearest 10 seconds. Can you think of anything else?
Posted 29 March 2011 - 04:23 PM
Off the top of my head I can't think of anything else that could cause the issue. Could you share the URL to your working installation? I'd be interested in comparing the debug output of the two pages.
Posted 30 March 2011 - 07:10 PM
Sure, here you go:
Edit: and a working installation using youtube on the same server, in case that's what you meant -
Edit: and a working installation using youtube on the same server, in case that's what you meant -
Posted 01 April 2011 - 12:34 PM
OK, I've narrowed down the problem. TubePress uses a flexible HTTP-transport mechanism that chooses the fastest implementation based on what your underlying PHP installation supports. In order of fastest to slowest, they are
In your working installation, I see that TubePress is able to use cURL and everything works fine. In the broken installation, it falls back to fsockopen.
My initial hunch was that there was a bug in the way that fsockopen talks to Vimeo, but unfortunately a ran a test on tubepress.org and fsockopen was able to display your gallery without any issues. SO I think the solution is to find a way to enable one of the other transports. One easy thing to try would be to set allow_url_fopen=true in your php.ini settings, as this would likely allow fopen to be used. The other three transports require a PHP recompilation.
Let me know what you think. Thanks.
In your working installation, I see that TubePress is able to use cURL and everything works fine. In the broken installation, it falls back to fsockopen.
My initial hunch was that there was a bug in the way that fsockopen talks to Vimeo, but unfortunately a ran a test on tubepress.org and fsockopen was able to display your gallery without any issues. SO I think the solution is to find a way to enable one of the other transports. One easy thing to try would be to set allow_url_fopen=true in your php.ini settings, as this would likely allow fopen to be used. The other three transports require a PHP recompilation.
Let me know what you think. Thanks.
Posted 04 April 2011 - 04:12 AM
Thanks a lot for your time, I appreciate the effort. I set allow_url_fopen=true in php.ini as you suggested and cURL should also be enabled now. Still the same error I'm afraid though, does it seem to be making use of either of them now?
Posted 05 April 2011 - 12:43 PM
OK well I think we can rule out the HTTP transport as now both sites are using cURL
Working installation
Working installation
194.1499710083 ms > (Strategy Manager) > org_tubepress_impl_http_clientimpl_strategies_CurlStrategy will handle execution (memory: 1,517 KB)Broken installation
1219.4850444794 ms > (Strategy Manager) > org_tubepress_impl_http_clientimpl_strategies_CurlStrategy will handle execution (memory: 1,645 KB)If you're willing to share it, I'd be happy to test the Vimeo secret/key on one of my machines. You could PM it to me, and you can always get a new key later if you'd like. Without any other details from Vimeo on why the key is showing up as invalid, I'm afraid the next step would be to seek assistance directly from the Vimeo Staff. Let me know how you'd like to proceed. Thanks.
Posted 06 April 2011 - 06:18 PM
I've sent you the key/secret, but I suspect the problem lies with the server configuration as I can use the same information without problems on other installations.
Posted 07 April 2011 - 05:51 PM
I think I figured out what the problem is. There's a very small difference in the Vimeo URLs that tubepress generates for the working server and the broken one:
barrylewisphotography.com (works)
barrylewisphotography.com (works)
http://vimeo.com/api/rest/v2?method=vimeo.videos.getUploaded&user_id=user1761835&full_response=true&page=1&per_page=20&sort=most_played&format=php&oauth_consumer_key=ef58009e16b22fd368c30fec8b5f33b8&oauth_nonce=b17e7b4001bc9ff52e7ec8e73d9fd72d&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=1302216041&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_signature=sOypQ9KHPECe7Op%2F9005OB0Iddo%3Dmikegoldwater.com (broken)
http://vimeo.com/api/rest/v2?method=vimeo.videos.getUploaded&user_id=user1761835&full_response=true&page=1&per_page=20&sort=most_played&format=php&oauth_consumer_key=ef58009e16b22fd368c30fec8b5f33b8&oauth_nonce=41ce7d18c4fe3eeda80eea737b0decbc&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=1302215983&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_signature=Ag4xFg3l5EQq5xgNOW0iFR8SW7Q%3DNotice that the working server separates query arguments with
&and the broken server instead uses
&This argument separator is determined by the arg_separator.output PHP setting. There's debate on the "best" setting for this, but many folks suggest setting it to just '&'. Could you give that a try and let us know if it works? If so, we'll file a ticket for TubePress to get a proper fix. Thanks.
Posted 09 April 2011 - 04:32 AM
Yep that seems to have done the trick, brilliant. Thanks for your help working this out!