Hello Tubepressers
Ive had tubepress standalone running for awhile with no issues on my other websites. I'm buidling a new site and I just tried to update to the latest version of tubepress and I'm now getting a white screen of death.
FYI: I got a static HTML website I run for my home page and I sneak in a few excepts from a wordpress blog install from a sub directory.
In the past Eric told me I have to put tubepress into the wordpress plugins folder to run along with tubepress standlone mode the way I am running things side by side on a static site.
I have used the following code in the head of my code to call tubepress
<?php $tubepress_base_url = 'http://humboldtcount...press_pro_2_4_5';
include '/home1/hawaiim4/public_html/humboldtcountylive/wp/wp-content/plugins/tubepress_pro_2_4_5/sys/classes/TubePressPro.class.php'; ?>
<?php print TubePressPro::getHtmlForHead(true); ?>
and this code is in the body of my code where I want tubpress to show up
<?php print TubePressPro::getHtmlForShortcode('mode="tag" tagValue="skateboarding" resultsPerPage="16"'); ?>
for the update all I did was upload the latest version of Tubepress to my wordpress plugins folder and make the following changes to my code.
<?php $tubepress_base_url = 'http://humboldtcount...press_pro_3_0_1';
include '/home1/hawaiim4/public_html/humboldtcountylive/wp/wp-content/plugins/tubepress_pro_3_0_1/sys/classes/TubePressPro.class.php'; ?>
this is the site in question. Notice eveything sort of works on the 1st link (actually hoping the upodae will make the videos clickable and work 100%)
now here is the whitescreen of death
Is this a bug or how do I fix this?