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Pagination - Previous And Next Buttons Only

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4 replies to this topic

#1 Corwyn Friesen

Corwyn Friesen


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Posted 22 April 2013 - 05:02 PM

Looking through the docs and forums I couldn't find any definitive answer on if there a simple way to have the pagination show just the Previous and Next buttons only? I'd like to elimate the numbers that show up in between the buttons if possible.


Is this part of the template file or possibly the getHtmlForShortcode options?



#2 brandon


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Posted 22 April 2013 - 10:24 PM

Hi Corwyn,


There is currently no official way to modify the HTML for pagination (it will be fully supported in a future release), but until then, it is possible if you modify the linked file below.




Let us know if there's anything else we can help you with



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#3 Corwyn Friesen

Corwyn Friesen


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Posted 23 April 2013 - 02:20 PM

Thanks for pointing out the file the controls the pagination Brandon...can you share what would need to be modified to remove the numbers from the pagination?


Also, which version are you expecting the pagination to be controlled through the HTML?


Thanks again!

#4 brandon


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Posted 24 April 2013 - 11:20 AM

Hi Corwyn,


That level of customization is beyond what we currently provide.  I would suggest searching Google for ways to customize it.


The template pagination will be available in version 3.1.0, which should be available in beta form within the next month or so.



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#5 Corwyn Friesen

Corwyn Friesen


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Posted 24 April 2013 - 11:23 AM

Thanks Brandon, I'll keep my eye out for the new version.