First of all,
I just want to give Eric a big thanks for making this plugin. You have put an impressive amount of work into it, and honestly, $25/yr is a complete steal. I sincerely want to give you my gratitude for your work with this plugin. You have made my job that much easier!
Secondly, I got the chance to use TubePress on a WordPress site that I did for a video production company in California. They hired me to do the developing work for WordPress, and I decided I would take a stab at it. I'd never worked with video galleries before, but TubePress made my life much easier.
Here is the link to the site:
You'll notice that it looks much different than what a normal TubePress gallery looks like. I customized the horizontal theme to make it do these things. The biggest highlight and achievement is that I got it to display everything is the illusive 16:9 pixel aspect ratio (this was very important to them). I had to hack into the template and add in some extra HTML code, but it is very functional for 16:9 thumbnails, which YT does not currently provide. It involved using the CSS clip property and extra div tags for those properties. I also put in a hover arrow over the thumbnails for better user experience.
Anyways, just wanted to say thanks again for making TubePress awesome!
P.S. You should implement my 16:9 thumbnail solution as an option until YT gets it together and provides their own. ;)

Client Site Using TubePress
Started by Thomas Griffin, Jan 15 2011 04:20 PM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 15 January 2011 - 04:20 PM
Posted 16 January 2011 - 06:52 PM
Thank you for all your kind words! Makes all my work worthwhile. And yes, I plan on including your 16:9 thumbnail fix in the next version of TubePress and will give you all the credit for the feature. Thanks again!
Posted 21 January 2011 - 11:55 PM
No problem Eric. You deserved all of them. :)
Let me know when you are coming out with the release and I can right some documentation for how to use the CSS clip property with it.
Let me know when you are coming out with the release and I can right some documentation for how to use the CSS clip property with it.