I have a tubepress pro 2.2.7 installed on my server.
It was set up by the web developer worked here before me, so I don't know too much detail about it.
The only thing I know that it worked perfectly in the last six month but it stopped working a few weeks ago.
This is how the videos get pulled from youtube:
$video_gallery = TubePressPro::getHtmlForShortcode("resultsPerPage='16' playerLocation='shadowbox' mode='tag' tagValue='$subject_code' thumbWidth='150' thumbHeight='88' searchResultsRestrictedToUser='CONELwebmaster' filter_racy='true' hd='true' hqThumbs='true' embeddedWidth='640' embeddedHeight='390' ajaxPagination='true' uploaded='true' orderBy='published' relativeDates='true'");
So this is a college and we tag our videos in youtube with subject names.
An example of a subject tag is ARTSMEDIA, so in this case the $subject_code variable holds this value.
We have 33 video tagged by ARTSMEDIA but the tubepress currently only shows 2 of them.
I also tried this url to check what the youtube gives back:
I hav the same result, which is only 2 video, although there is 33 video tagged by ARTSMEDIA
Please help, it worked a few weeks ago.
What could be the problem??
Do I need to upgrade the tubepress now?