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Youtube Tag Mode Problem

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#1 Ray Bezuidenhout

Ray Bezuidenhout


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 07:10 AM



I have a tubepress pro 2.2.7 installed on my server.


It was set up by the web developer worked here before me, so I don't  know too much detail about it.


The only thing I know that it worked perfectly in the last six month but it stopped working a few weeks ago.


This is how the videos get pulled from youtube:


            $video_gallery = TubePressPro::getHtmlForShortcode("resultsPerPage='16' playerLocation='shadowbox' mode='tag' tagValue='$subject_code' thumbWidth='150' thumbHeight='88' searchResultsRestrictedToUser='CONELwebmaster' filter_racy='true' hd='true' hqThumbs='true' embeddedWidth='640' embeddedHeight='390' ajaxPagination='true' uploaded='true' orderBy='published' relativeDates='true'");        

So this is a college and we tag our videos in youtube with subject names.


An example of a subject tag is ARTSMEDIA, so in this case the $subject_code variable holds this value.


We have 33 video tagged by ARTSMEDIA but the tubepress currently only shows 2 of them.


I also tried this url to check what the youtube gives back:




I hav the same result, which is only 2 video, although there is 33 video tagged by ARTSMEDIA


Please help, it worked a few weeks ago.


What could be the problem??


Do I need to upgrade the tubepress now?


#2 brandon


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 11:11 PM

Hi Ray,


When I view http://www.youtube.c...query=ARTSMEDIA I only see two videos showing up, which happen to be the same videos that your website is showing.


As this is the case, your best option to fix this issue is to use a different approach to generate your galleries, such as using a playlist.


Let us know if you have any other questions.



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#3 eric


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Posted 21 March 2013 - 01:00 PM

This may very well be a symptom of a new bug with the YouTube API. Please see this post for details.