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Videos Not Playing

Best Answer eric, 21 February 2013 - 03:02 AM

Thanks to Jared's awesome generosity I was able to locate and fix this bug. In case anyone else runs into this issue, here's the rundown...


Jared's site is using a theme called RockWell designed by themeforest user freshface. This is all well and good, but buried deep inside some of freshface's common theme code is a small bug. The bug will only show up if a page contains a specific pattern of characters in well-formed JSON. TubePress just so happens to generate such a pattern, and the bug ends up preventing TubePress from initializing itself correctly.


The workaround for now is to comment out two lines in freshwork/functions/freshshortcodes.php. Around line 218 change it from

      '<div class="sc_tabs_box"><br />',
      '<!-- st_tab --><br />'


      '<div class="sc_tabs_box"><br />',
      '<!-- st_tab --><br />'

I'll be contacting freshface to see if we can incorporate a fix into their work.


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8 replies to this topic

#1 ted



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Posted 01 February 2013 - 09:27 PM



I just installed the  new plugin and as you can see on the link it is not working

It is playing but i cannot select another video.

Also i had the same problems with previous plugins.




ps: is there a possibility to use it on several pages with other search content?


#2 eric


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Posted 01 February 2013 - 10:33 PM



Something called "Attracta" is interfering with TubePress. When you click a thumbnail, TubePress will asynchronously load a URL such as this one: http://diergeneesmid...yId=2064006367. Go ahead and click on that URL and view the HTML source. As you can see there is a bunch of extra stuff from Attracta in there that is confusing TubePress.


Can you try disabling Attracta to see how that works for you?

#3 Jared Andreasen

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Posted 08 February 2013 - 03:32 PM

I'm having the same issue, would you please take a look for me. I've tried reinstalling the plugin twice. Site with issue


thanks, Jared

#4 eric


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Posted 08 February 2013 - 06:47 PM

Hi Jared,


Thanks for your report. It looks like TubePress didn't initialize itself correctly, and I'm suspecting that you may have discovered a bug. On line 294 of your HTML source, TubePress generated the following snippet of JavaScript:

TubePressGallery.init(1978018663, {"nvpMap":{"embeddedHeight":"523","embeddedWidth":"930","playerLocation":"normal","galleryId":1978018663},"jsMap":{"playerJsUrl":"http:\/\/noahfineart.com\/wp-content\/plugins\/tubepress_pro_3_0_0\/\/src\/main\/web\/players\/normal\/normal.js","playerLocationProducesHtml":true,"ajaxPagination":true,"fluidThumbs":true,"httpMethod":"GET","sequence":["02W5M4VUfyQ","aNluShYwAag","EuKKTfJ-PZ8","pOfPw5U3ous","A4mRCQQjtzo","rDT5hrDYL_c","BS9OP6ghUUk"],"autoNext":true]);

The problem is that this JavaScript has a syntax error. It should look like this:

TubePressGallery.init(1978018663, {"nvpMap":{"embeddedHeight":"523","embeddedWidth":"930","playerLocation":"normal","galleryId":1978018663},"jsMap":{"playerJsUrl":"http:\/\/noahfineart.com\/wp-content\/plugins\/tubepress_pro_3_0_0\/\/src\/main\/web\/players\/normal\/normal.js","playerLocationProducesHtml":true,"ajaxPagination":true,"fluidThumbs":true,"httpMethod":"GET","sequence":["02W5M4VUfyQ","aNluShYwAag","EuKKTfJ-PZ8","pOfPw5U3ous","A4mRCQQjtzo","rDT5hrDYL_c","BS9OP6ghUUk"],"autoNext":true]}); 

Note that the second blurb has a "}" near the very end. So we need to figure out why TubePress would have generated malformed JavaScript like this. It's definitely a situation that is unique to your installation - this is the first time I've heard of this particular error.


To help me reproduce the issue, could you post the output of phpinfo() using this plugin? Thanks!


#5 Jared Andreasen

Jared Andreasen


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Posted 10 February 2013 - 03:31 PM

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I installed the WP phpinfo plugin. Do you need to see all the info it shows?(there is a ton) Or is there a certain section you need to see? Don't want to post anything that someone might use against my site, I'm sure you can understand that. 

#6 eric


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Posted 10 February 2013 - 04:02 PM

Just sent you a private message via the forums here so we can share that info on a separate channel. Thanks again.

#7 ted



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Posted 12 February 2013 - 10:58 AM

Hi mister lead developer


I heard that before althoug i cant do anything about it.

I dont know how to remove attracta because i dont know where to find it.

Even in my robot.txt file there is attracta.

Maybe it comes because of Hostgator

there is an application on their site that makes it possible to submit the site to attracta to receive more backlinks.

I believe that is a bad thing because my site was downgraded by google probably because of attracta

you could be a great help telling me what to do, knowing that i am not a wizard in computer languages

thanks anyway!


#8 eric


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Posted 16 February 2013 - 09:58 PM

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I installed the WP phpinfo plugin. Do you need to see all the info it shows?(there is a ton) Or is there a certain section you need to see? Don't want to post anything that someone might use against my site, I'm sure you can understand that. 


Hi Jared,


We are still trying feverishly to reproduce this error and will have an update in the next day or so. I haven't forgotten! Sorry for the inconvenience.


Hi mister lead developer


I heard that before althoug i cant do anything about it.

I dont know how to remove attracta because i dont know where to find it.

Even in my robot.txt file there is attracta.

Maybe it comes because of Hostgator

there is an application on their site that makes it possible to submit the site to attracta to receive more backlinks.

I believe that is a bad thing because my site was downgraded by google probably because of attracta

you could be a great help telling me what to do, knowing that i am not a wizard in computer languages

thanks anyway!



Hi Ted,


Please send along a link to your site and we'll take a look. Thanks.

#9 eric


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 03:02 AM   Best Answer

Thanks to Jared's awesome generosity I was able to locate and fix this bug. In case anyone else runs into this issue, here's the rundown...


Jared's site is using a theme called RockWell designed by themeforest user freshface. This is all well and good, but buried deep inside some of freshface's common theme code is a small bug. The bug will only show up if a page contains a specific pattern of characters in well-formed JSON. TubePress just so happens to generate such a pattern, and the bug ends up preventing TubePress from initializing itself correctly.


The workaround for now is to comment out two lines in freshwork/functions/freshshortcodes.php. Around line 218 change it from

      '<div class="sc_tabs_box"><br />',
      '<!-- st_tab --><br />'


      '<div class="sc_tabs_box"><br />',
      '<!-- st_tab --><br />'

I'll be contacting freshface to see if we can incorporate a fix into their work.