Best Answer eric, 21 February 2013 - 03:02 AM
Thanks to Jared's awesome generosity I was able to locate and fix this bug. In case anyone else runs into this issue, here's the rundown...
Jared's site is using a theme called RockWell designed by themeforest user freshface. This is all well and good, but buried deep inside some of freshface's common theme code is a small bug. The bug will only show up if a page contains a specific pattern of characters in well-formed JSON. TubePress just so happens to generate such a pattern, and the bug ends up preventing TubePress from initializing itself correctly.
The workaround for now is to comment out two lines in freshwork/functions/freshshortcodes.php. Around line 218 change it from
'<div class="sc_tabs_box"><br />', '{{', '}}', '<!-- st_tab --><br />'
'<div class="sc_tabs_box"><br />', //'{{', //'}}', '<!-- st_tab --><br />'
I'll be contacting freshface to see if we can incorporate a fix into their work.
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