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thumbnail click returns TypeError: t is null

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#1 Kyle Herman

Kyle Herman


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Posted 19 January 2013 - 12:36 AM

New tubpress pro 2_4_5 Php Standalone installation at:
http://www.killakake.com/tubepress.php (stripped down version-- tubepress code only)

For apple devices (mac book pro, ipad), when any of the thumbnails are clicked, the main video window dims but the clicked thumbnail video does not play in the main window. Same result for Safari, Mozilla and Chrome.

On my Dell Windows PC, tubepress work fine for the most part (note: I have been able to re-create the error on the Dell PC by clicking several times on the thumbnails)

Here is a screen shot of the error:

Also, I went to the tubepress website to get a fresh download of 2_4_5 and the page:
was returning a "Website is currently unreachable" response.

#2 eric


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Posted 20 January 2013 - 11:46 PM


New tubpress pro 2_4_5 Php Standalone installation at:
http://www.killakake.com/tubepress.php (stripped down version-- tubepress code only)

For apple devices (mac book pro, ipad), when any of the thumbnails are clicked, the main video window dims but the clicked thumbnail video does not play in the main window. Same result for Safari, Mozilla and Chrome.

On my Dell Windows PC, tubepress work fine for the most part (note: I have been able to re-create the error on the Dell PC by clicking several times on the thumbnails)

Here is a screen shot of the error:

I'm sorry that you're having some trouble getting TubePress to play nicely. I've tested both of your pages with Firefox (Linux + Mac), Chrome (Linux + Mac), iOS, Safari (Mac), and IE9. The only way that I was able to reproduce the issue was to visit http://www.killakake.com). This produced a cross-domain Ajax error, which you can read about (and see how to fix) in the TubePress docs.

But otherwise, I wasn't able to reproduce the problem. Are you still seeing this error? What's strange to me is that your screenshot clearly shows that you were using http://www.killakake.com, so that doesn't fit my theory. Let me know.

Also, I went to the tubepress website to get a fresh download of 2_4_5 and the page:
was returning a "Website is currently unreachable" response.

Please see this post for an explanation and workaround. We are doing our best to solve this problem - sorry for the inconvenience!