The idea:
Use a wordpress plugin designed to make your videos responsive, then apply that plugin to Tubepress.
- Tubepress installed and active on a video page
- Install the wordpress plugin: "FitVids for WordPress" found at
- Be able to edit your CSS
1. Assuming Tubepress is up and running, install the FitVids plugin.
2. On the FitVids settings page (Appearance > FitVids), under "Enter jQuery Selector" put in:
.tubepress_normal_embedded_wrapperThat's the wrapper for the main video on the Tubepress video page
3. Update the widths of the Tubepress main container and the thumbnails container on the video page so that they're no longer a fixed width. This will override the settings you typed in on the Tubepress settings page. In your site's CSS file, add this line:
.tubepress_normal_embedded_wrapper, .tubepress_thumbnail_area {width:auto!important;}
And that's it. Those three steps made my tubepress videos page responsive. At least, as far as I can tell.
Your mileage may vary, but good luck to you! If you leave a comment here, I'll try to be...responsive. :)