Multiple sources mixed [SOLVED]
Posted 27 June 2012 - 03:06 AM
I'll use TubePress as my Portfolio: I have some videos in Vimeo and some in YouTube. I'd like to make the Portfolio ordered by the last video I made till the first one I realized several years ago. The "problem" is that the sources are mixed, for example:
Video 1 from Vimeo, Video 2 from Vimeo, Video 3 from YouTube, Video 4 from YouTube, Video 5 from Vimeo, etc...
Is there a way to "compose" my TubePress page in that way? Can you please help me? Thank you very much.
Posted 27 June 2012 - 08:45 PM
We should be able to get almost exactly what you're after. The trick is to utilize both the "orderBy" and "perPageSort" shortcode parameters. So in your case you'll want to have a shortcode something like this:
[tubepress orderBy="newest" perPageSort="newest" ...]The "orderBy" parameter applies to each individual feed that we're mixing together, and the "perPageSort" applies to a single gallery page. So the two of these combined should effectively push all your newer videos to the beginning of your gallery (regardless of which page you're on).
Make sense? Please give that a try and let us know how it works. Thanks!
Posted 28 June 2012 - 02:00 AM
Also, I think this won't work. But not because of your solution, but because of my situation. Some of my portfolio videos aren't in my profile: they've been uploaded in some other channels by other users. And I'm afraid we can't just do an automatic thing like that, because I'd like to display some videos before the exact date of uploading, so before some other videos.
So I found anther solution and I created various playlists on Vimeo and YouTube and I partly managed to complete my portfolio. How can I mix multiple playlists together? I'm trying with 2 Vimeo albums, but I can't. Here's what I'm doing:
[tubepress mode="vimeoAlbum" vimeoAlbumValue="ID1 + ID2"]
Thanks for your help.
Posted 29 June 2012 - 02:41 PM
But how can I mix multiple feeds together? In the plugin control panel I haven't seen any option to add more than 1 feed.
Here are the docs on how to combine multiple sources. Currently this technique is only supported via shortcode; you can't do this from the GUI at WP Admin > Settings > TubePress.
How can I mix multiple playlists together? I'm trying with 2 Vimeo albums
Very doable. You'll want a shortcode like this:
[tubepress mode="vimeoAlbum" vimeoAlbumValue="vimeoAlbumId1 + vimeoAlbumId2 + vimeoAlbumId3" orderBy="newest" perPageSort="newest"]and down the road if you want to mix in YouTube videos, you could have something like this:
[tubepress mode="vimeoAlbum + user" vimeoAlbumValue="vimeoAlbumId1 + vimeoAlbumId2 + vimeoAlbumId3" userValue="youtubeUser1 + youtubeUser2" orderBy="newest" perPageSort="newest"]Does this make sense? Or have I managed to make things more confusing? Let me know. Thanks!
Posted 29 June 2012 - 04:58 PM
[tubepress mode=\\\"playlist + vimeoAlbum\\\" playlistValue=\\\"PLBCAB39E623B40BD3\\\" vimeoAlbumValue=\\\"1638332\\\"]
You can find the page with the tubepress code here: http://www.millerpic...s.it/portfolio/
What am I doing wrong? He is only getting the first part of the code...
Also: is there a way to have less videos per line? I mean, now I have 7 videos per line and they are very small: can I have 3 or 4 videos per line? I have tried changing the thumbnail sizes, but it did not work.
Posted 04 July 2012 - 03:04 AM
Posted 05 July 2012 - 10:55 PM
I was trying to reproduce this issue by testing the following shortcode
[tubepress mode="playlist + vimeoAlbum" playlistValue="PLBCAB39E623B40BD3" vimeoAlbumValue="1638332"]I found that only the first 15 videos (all from the YouTube playlist) showed up in the gallery. Is this what you saw as well?
Digging further into the problem, I realized that this might be a bug. I was able to fix the problem by editing sys/classes/org/tubepress/impl/provider/MultipleSourcesVideoFeedProvider.class.php. You can change line 189 from
$result->setEffectiveTotalResultCount(max($first->getEffectiveTotalResultCount(), $second->getEffectiveTotalResultCount()));to
$result->setEffectiveTotalResultCount($first->getEffectiveTotalResultCount() + $second->getEffectiveTotalResultCount());I need to ponder this a bit further, but I'm 95% certain that this is indeed a bug and this single line change is the fix. Would you help me test?
Also, if you wouldn't mind, please enable TubePress debugging from WP Admin > Settings > TubePress > Advanced. This will allow me to see exactly which shortcodes you're using. Thanks!
Posted 06 July 2012 - 03:50 AM
Yes, that was my problem, and you have perfectly solved it with that little trick. I've also enabled TubePress debugging if you need to do further tests.
Can you also answer the other question? I copy it here:
Is there a way to have less videos per line? I mean, now I have 7 videos per line and they are very small: can I have 3 or 4 videos per line? I have tried changing the thumbnail sizes, but it did not work.
Thanks again.
Posted 06 July 2012 - 09:45 AM
Yes, that was my problem, and you have perfectly solved it with that little trick. I've also enabled TubePress debugging if you need to do further tests.
That's great to hear! I've filed a bug ticket for this so it makes it into the next release of TubePress, so you shouldn't have to make this edit anymore. Thanks again for helping me test the fix.
Is there a way to have less videos per line? I mean, now I have 7 videos per line and they are very small: can I have 3 or 4 videos per line? I have tried changing the thumbnail sizes, but it did not work.
Changing the size of the thumbnails is the easiest way to have less videos per line. In your case, the new thumbnails sizes didn't work because your theme's CSS is preventing any image resizing. Particularly, if you look at line 43 of your theme's CSS, you'll see
img { height: auto; max-width: 100%; }So there are two options. The first option is to simply delete this line of CSS. This runs the risk of messing up something else with your theme, but I think that risk is very small. The second option is to add some extra CSS to allow TubePress thumbnails to be set at the right size. e.g.
.tubepress_thumb img { height: 180px; width: 240px; }You can add this CSS to the bottom of your WordPress theme's stylesheet. The downside to this approach is that you'll have to "hard code" the height/width into CSS.
Does this make sense?
Posted 09 July 2012 - 06:09 AM
I've not followed the first option, because I didn't want to mess with the theme, that is working perfectly.
So I looked at the second option and instead of adding the code at the end of the theme's stylesheet, I've added it at the end of custom.css, that I'm currently using to add modifies to the theme. The problem is that the size change worked, but the videos per line are still stucked at 7. Here's an example of what I'm saying: http://postimage.org/image/h0fl6jb7p/
Can you help me? Thanks again.
Posted 09 July 2012 - 05:20 PM
.tubepress_thumb { height: 265px; } .tubepress_thumb img { height: 180px ! important; width: 240px ! important; }This should "force" the height/width changes to be used, and the "265px" bit should make the thumbs taller.
Does that make it better/worse? This would be easier with FireBug but I'm guessing that you don't want to do live testing of these changes!
Posted 10 July 2012 - 02:07 AM
.tubepress_thumb { height: 400px; } .tubepress_thumb img { height: 320px ! important; width: 640px ! important; }
And here's the result: http://postimage.org/image/s4dhnrm75/
Posted 10 July 2012 - 11:49 AM
I think the second option might be easier for logistics, but the first option leaves less to chance with regards to technical hurdles on your end.
What do you think?
Posted 10 July 2012 - 04:10 PM
Here's the link for the zip file: http://www.millerpic...ePress_Test.zip
Let me know if it's all OK with the zip ;)
Posted 11 July 2012 - 10:27 AM
I made some modifications to your "custom.css" file and this is the result I got: http://i.imgur.com/16ETm.png. To get this result, I set the thumbnail size (in WP Admin > Settings > TubePress > Thumbnails) to 240 width x 180 height. Then I made your custom.css look like this:
@charset "UTF-8"; /* CSS Document */ .post-image iframe { height: 525px; } .two-column .post-title { margin-top: 30px; } .two-column p { margin-bottom: 10px !important; } .tubepress_thumb { height: 240px ! important; } .tubepress_thumb img { height: 180px ! important; width: 240px ! important; max-width: 240px ! important; } .tubepress_meta_group { padding: 0 12% ! important; }We have to add the "! important" piece since custom.css is loaded before TubePress's CSS, so we have to make sure it's not overriden. Obviously you can play with the numbers as you see fit, but I think the result is pretty close to what you're after, right? What do you think?
Posted 11 July 2012 - 12:41 PM
1. I have setup the same shortcode and have the same issue. Has this bug been fixed yet or do i need to make the same change.
2. No Matter what method i use to play it it does not play past the initial video (i have youtube pro so i tried fancybox also using the facnybox wordpress plugin)
Please advise.
Posted 12 July 2012 - 12:29 PM
1. I have setup the same shortcode and have the same issue. Has this bug been fixed yet or do i need to make the same change.
Please go ahead and make the same fix. This will be officially resolved in the next release of TubePress. Sorry for the inconvenience!
2. No Matter what method i use to play it it does not play past the initial video (i have youtube pro so i tried fancybox also using the facnybox wordpress plugin)
Your site has a couple of JavaScript errors that we'll need to clean up. Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/Hd5sJ.png. The primary problem is that jQuery is being loaded in your HTML after TubePress. Since TubePress requires jQuery, this is confusing TubePress. My guess is that your theme is not calling wp_head() correctly, and instead hard-coding it's includes. One way or another, we'll need to get TubePress to load after jQuery. That could likely be all you need to do.
Let me know what you think. Thanks!
Posted 12 July 2012 - 06:30 PM
Thanks! That worked great.
I made some modifications to your "custom.css" file and this is the result I got: http://i.imgur.com/16ETm.png. To get this result, I set the thumbnail size (in WP Admin > Settings > TubePress > Thumbnails) to 240 width x 180 height. Then I made your custom.css look like this:@charset "UTF-8"; /* CSS Document */ .post-image iframe { height: 525px; } .two-column .post-title { margin-top: 30px; } .two-column p { margin-bottom: 10px !important; } .tubepress_thumb { height: 240px ! important; } .tubepress_thumb img { height: 180px ! important; width: 240px ! important; max-width: 240px ! important; } .tubepress_meta_group { padding: 0 12% ! important; }We have to add the "! important" piece since custom.css is loaded before TubePress's CSS, so we have to make sure it's not overriden. Obviously you can play with the numbers as you see fit, but I think the result is pretty close to what you're after, right? What do you think?
Hi and thanks again for your reply. FInally is working! You were great man, thanks! :) Here's the result: http://www.millerpic...s.it/portfolio/
I have 2 more questions (sorry :P): why the thumbnails for "The Case REDUX" and "Heaven Lyrics" (and only these 2) have the image stretched and not it "widescreen" with the black bars like all the others? Is something you can solve? Here's a screenshot: http://postimage.org/image/5nuwrl17p/
Also, if in the future I'd like to change the dimensions of the thumbnails (example: 240x135), I have to change them everywhere? So in WP Admin > Settings > TubePress > Thumbnails and also in the code? Example:
.tubepress_thumb { height: 240px ! important; } .tubepress_thumb img { height: 135px ! important; width: 240px ! important; max-width: 240px ! important; } .tubepress_meta_group { padding: 0 12% ! important; }
How can I modify the distance between the thumbnails?
Thank you so much for your great help :)
Posted 15 July 2012 - 11:47 AM
FInally is working!
Glad to hear that!
why the thumbnails for "The Case REDUX" and "Heaven Lyrics" (and only these 2) have the image stretched and not it "widescreen" with the black bars like all the others? Is something you can solve?
The black bars are there because the videos themselves have black bars. So without making each video the exact same resolution, the thumbnails for each are likely going to look a little different.
if in the future I'd like to change the dimensions of the thumbnails (example: 240x135), I have to change them everywhere? So in WP Admin > Settings > TubePress > Thumbnails and also in the code?
In your situation, yes. This is only the case because your theme's CSS is constricting the thumbnail dimensions:
img { height: auto; max-width: 100%; }For 99% of TubePress users, the thumbnail dimensions can be set from WP Admin > Settings > TubePress > Thumbnails.
How can I modify the distance between the thumbnails?
TubePress will, by default, use a "fluid thumbs" feature that will attempt to space out the thumbnails evenly along each row of thumbs. You can turn this off from WP Admin > Settings > TubePress > Thumbnails. This will use a "fixed" width for each thumbnail column, which you can adjust using CSS such as the following:
.tubepress_thumb { width: 200px; }Does that make sense?
Posted 16 July 2012 - 02:24 AM