Thumbnail Gallery Sort Order "pro-2-4-0"
Posted 25 February 2012 - 03:52 AM
In the new version "pro-2-4-0" Thumbnail Gallery Sort Order works not so well. I mean sorting by "oldest", "newest", "position", "published" does not sort exactly as it should. In "pro 2-2-9" the sorting worked great.
There is my page http://slaviccenter....new/2012/01.php the dates in the description is the published date.
There is my code
Is there any rules for the order for shortcodes?
Any solutions?
Posted 27 February 2012 - 03:36 PM
I've confirmed the sorting bug and issued a fix with this commit. I'll probably release version 2.4.0.RC2 in a day or so, but in the meantime you could simply replace your copy of sys/classes/org/tubepress/impl/plugin/filters/providerresult/PerPageSorter.class.php with these contents.
Give that a try and let us know? Thanks!
Posted 01 March 2012 - 01:56 AM
I found one more bug. The the sequential auto-play of videos in a gallery works only on the first page of Ajax pagination. So if I go to any other page the sequential auto-play doesn't work.
You could try my web-page: http://slaviccenter....012/index01.htm
Posted 01 March 2012 - 02:35 PM
I have a code [tubepress mode="playlist" playlistValue="xxxxx" orderBy="published"] and the videos are not sorted by published newest first as they were with 2.2.9 after applying the fix. They are sorted .. in a weird way, I can't really determine what. :)
Posted 01 March 2012 - 11:52 PM
Posted 02 March 2012 - 01:05 AM
Posted 03 March 2012 - 05:01 AM
Tried commenting out the line in the original version of the php file and the fix on this page.
Posted 04 March 2012 - 11:35 PM
Didn't seem to fix it or change much.
Tried commenting out the line in the original version of the php file and the fix on this page.
Could you tell me which playlist you're using? I'd like to try to reproduce the bug locally. Thank you!
Posted 05 March 2012 - 01:41 PM
Nothing special about the playlist really. Just create a random playlist with enough videos and use published orderBy.
Posted 07 March 2012 - 01:36 AM
[tubepress mode="playlist" playlistValue="02F8A2B9B9623960" orderBy="published"]Then I get a correctly sorted gallery. Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/Ji2EP.png. This test was ran on tubepress.org which uses an unmodified copy of version 2.4.0. Have you tried simply re-installing a fresh copy of TubePress Pro just to rule out any accidental modifications?
As I mentioned previously, the per-page and feed sorting behavior of TubePress needs a bit of attention, but I'd like to get your gallery working to an acceptable state first. If a fresh copy of TubePress Pro doesn't change the situation for you, please enable debugging from WP Admin > Settings > TubePress > Advanced. That will give me a bit more insight into why your sort order is different than my test.
Thanks for your patience in working this out!
Posted 07 March 2012 - 11:14 AM
The sorting that you are seeing is oldest first. Shouldn't "published" be newest/recent first? That's at least how the older version worked and according to the documentation.
published Show videos in the order they were published Will show more-recent videos first
So the first video should be Guild Wars 2: Guardian Spotlight (27 Feb 2012) and not [Gamescom 2011] Female and male thief human character customisation (23 Aug 2011).
I completely removed the tubepress_pro folder and uploaded the clean 2.4.0 version into /web/wp-content/plugins/tubepress_pro/. It now displays them like it does for you.
Posted 10 March 2012 - 03:58 AM
If I leave orderBy set to published, it stays the same. But if I re-order the playlist on Youtube by "date uploaded" it will show correctly. If I change orderBy to position and the playlist in Youtube is ordered by "date uploaded", it will again display it wrong (older first). :)
Posted 11 March 2012 - 05:01 PM
I want to have seamless merge of 2 channels. What I get are first 10 videos from one user and then 10 videos from second one.
I tried these two options and just [tubepress]. http://bit.ly/x5fnW9
[tubepress mode="user" userValue="user1 + user2" orderBy="date uploaded"]
[tubepress mode="user" userValue="user1 + user2" orderBy="published"]
2.4.0 and 2.4.1. show the same order. I guess I have to be making some kind of error ... I just can't seem to find it. :)
Posted 13 March 2012 - 01:28 AM
I too have a sorting question/problem.
I want to have seamless merge of 2 channels. What I get are first 10 videos from one user and then 10 videos from second one.
I tried these two options and just [tubepress]. http://bit.ly/x5fnW9
[tubepress mode="user" userValue="user1 + user2" orderBy="date uploaded"]
[tubepress mode="user" userValue="user1 + user2" orderBy="published"]
2.4.0 and 2.4.1. show the same order. I guess I have to be making some kind of error ... I just can't seem to find it. :)
I think what's happening here is that it only appears that the videos from the two users aren't being "blended" correctly. TubePress will sort the videos, on each page, by date uploaded with newest videos first. I think that all of the videos from parokeets are simply much newer than maestraparokeets.
Does that make sense? Was there another effect that you're trying to achieve? Let us know. Thanks!
Posted 13 March 2012 - 01:31 AM
Version 2.4.1 works even weirder. :)
If I leave orderBy set to published, it stays the same. But if I re-order the playlist on Youtube by "date uploaded" it will show correctly. If I change orderBy to position and the playlist in Youtube is ordered by "date uploaded", it will again display it wrong (older first). :)
I think my first task for 2.4.2 is going to be to give video sorting an overhaul. I think I'm going to give users two sorting choices: one for the entire feed and one for individual gallery pages. That should dramatically clear up all the confusion that I've managed to cause for you.
Will you be able to use the "reordering of playlist" workaround until I can give this a fix? Shouldn't be too long..
Posted 13 March 2012 - 04:12 PM
Here is a link to the page utilizing the tubepress Pro player/gallery :
Here is a link to the youtube playlist:
Here is a link to the vimeo user:
And here is my shortcode:
[tubepress mode="playlist + vimeoUploadedBy" playlistValue="BD3F1F3A846BEF7B" vimeoUploadedByValue="2336144"]
Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you very much!
Posted 14 March 2012 - 02:30 PM
I think what's happening here is that it only appears that the videos from the two users aren't being "blended" correctly. TubePress will sort the videos, on each page, by date uploaded with newest videos first. I think that all of the videos from parokeets are simply much newer than maestraparokeets.
Does that make sense? Was there another effect that you're trying to achieve? Let us know. Thanks!
Hi Eric,
I envisioned something like this: 20 videos on first page are the newest ... does not matter from which user ... simply grouping all the videos like they are from the same channel. In current situation, almost all 20 of Parokeets videos are newer than MaestraParokeets, so majority of videos on first page should be from that channel. Is that something that is possible to achieve?
Posted 14 March 2012 - 11:27 PM
Please see this thread for a simple hotfix that should lead to a big improvement in your gallery sort orders. I'm embarrassed that I hadn't seen it before. Please give the fix a try and let us know if it changes anything. Thanks.